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Involuntary Recall USMC

Anyone currently in the military or who keeps up with such things- what information do you have on the involuntary recall the Marine Corps has been authorized to use?

I was just blindsided with this basic information and am researching its validity:

1.) 35,000 Individual Ready Reserve in the pool (marines in IRR w/2-3 yrs left on contract)

2.) 2,500 personnel can be called up per month untill the "War on Terror" has concluded for one years service.

3.) Former marines will be given (up to) five months notice before being recalled.

4.) Recall will be occuring as early as October.

I don't keep up with Marine Online, or keep in touch with anyone in the know. If anyone in the community knows anything about this, please post here or send me a pm.

Unless WW3 breaks out, stop worrying.

We are on the road to WORLD WAR THREE.

They're already recalling specialists in the Army, have been for awhile.

As long as you aren't an MP, high end computer; surveilance, or security personelle you're likely not going to be recalled unless something major happens.

Its the involuntary holds on release and discharge that is getting most soldiers right now. That's how this is working for Army personelle. I'm guessing entirely here, but I expect the Marines will use much the same route.