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Traensyr, Slaves & something random

You even wondered what happened to 'em slave that were sent to the drows? -Well- This is what going to Traensyr in your underwear looks like >_>

Here they are, waiting in the prison of the drows... each waiting what sordid faith will happen to them.. I believe I got worst then all of them, even the elf got a nicer faith... >_< ; Damn you Drow Matron ... I will avenge my boys!!! some day!!.

Something random, hey I know this char might piss off some people.. but that gave me a good laugh, ;)

Most of this is old news, but I just got a flash and remembered my password to photobucket!!!

-Hey wait i just remembered where i left my retainer in second grade!! *runs*

Nice screenies! Nice jail cell XD

Well it was a lot safer in the jail cell than the fates most of us were assigned too!!

Shano i still wince when I read the logs of that day!!

Poor Aseir :(

Sounds like a party!


Tristan Poor Aseir :(
Not really. He likely got off a lot easier than all the others. ;)

Ummm no he didn't trust me :)

Ah well. At least he wasn't *spoilered*. :D

Ah well. At least he wasn't *spoilered*. :lol:

I dont.. know how i will roleplay him after that, if he comes back that is. Hopefully not, because Sharo... without... isnt my sharo.

He should get -2 str or -2con, but +2 intelligence for that >_> .

Ah, you meant *spoilered*. Eww.

The cruelty of the drow knows no bounds!

(I'd say a Wis increase, though, not an Int increase. And definitely a Cha decrease instead of Str or Con! >_>)

See, our lot didn't have that. It's also why it pays to be female in these situations :)

They made us roll Charisma checks. I got something like a 1, and i have -1 charisma, so the slaves weer encouraged to throw me into a pit and cover me with rothe shit >.>

yeah but at least your with Shan who prtects you somewhat (made a charisma roll of 17) so he was pretty much left alone by the guards to do his work and the other slaves stay in his shadow for reduced beatings - slavery is much easier this time around for him :D

....didn't yall try to escape? i mean wasn't there a monk who could use fists? i mean these dm's are just plain to cruel to do that...so sad so sad

Thomas send me a PM if you want the situation explained - there are some very good reasons why they could not just escape.