2006-08-21 22:49:24 UTC
Scion Dungal Toboerski is gathering information on the wererats of Dunwarren as well as the ancient city they inhabited. There is also interest in wererat raids against Sanctuary, locations of known wererat warrens and activity, names of known wererats living in Sanctuary.
Payment for information is dependent on the use of the information and its rarity/difficulty in obtaining it but awards between 25 to 500 gold are feasible.
Scion Dungal Toboerski
2006-08-21 23:02:38 UTC
*a letter to Scion Toboerski*
“I know an enormous amount about the chosen including their connection to the fall of the city. Simply put, I know EVERYTHING you want to know and for the 500 gold, I will tell you all of it. I came across the information by chance and 500 gold for it sounds very good to me. I am currently quite busy with other endeavors and will contact you sometime next week-I hope the need is not urgent but I am enormously busy and do not have time to bring you the information you need till next week. I have similar hard to aquire information of the same sort as that relating to the Chosen, it is likewise for sale.”
*the letter is unsigned*