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Hireling Looking for Evil Master/Mistress!

Hello potential Master/Mistress,

I am new to EftU, but am experienced with NWN. I have just completed a DMed Campaign Game, and have played on two persistent worlds previously. I heard about EftU several months ago, and it intrigued me and now that my Campaign Game has ended I am giving EftU a second look. I have spent a good deal of time reading over the boards, and trying to take in (a lot) of information... and well... I normally learn best by doing - jumping right in and getting started.

That being said, I noticed a thread down below of someone new to EftU, like myself, offering to be some evil Overlord's henchman and I thought to myself "What a wonderful idea!" So, I would like to do the same. I enjoy playing evil characters, both simple and complex, I'm not adverse to playing many classes... although I do wish to state my intentions up front.

My intentions of doing this is to learn about EftU, the server, the people, the style of play, the particulars of the setting and the like. I cannot guarantee that this character that I create will be a permanent character. It entirely depends on my ability to enjoy playing the character and the long term sustainability of playing the character. (For example, if you use my poor character in such away as to turn the entire city of Sanctuary against him, and he can go no where else, then his long term sustainability greatly decreases if not out right evaporates.)

It provides both of us with a great deal of opportunity and the possibility for fun. My hope is that in doing this, I will have the ability to more or less jump right into the game and get involved - directly - while simultaneously learning all the OOC things I need to know.

My play times are fairly steady, anytime after 5PM Eastern Standard Time is pretty good. What I'd like from you is some background on what type of character you need, and what type of plot you have going or which to try and pull off. I'll create a character background suited for that purpose, and send it to you, we'll talk about it and make sure it's suited for what you need, and something that I would find enjoyable to play, and then we'll go from there.

You can either private message me on these boards or contact me at meldread@gmail.com. I'll also be keeping an eye on this thread as well.

Thanks to any potential evil master/mistress out there looking for a hireling.

Welcome to the Underdark.

Let me start by saying congratulations on finding EfU. The level of roleplaying here is unmatched and the DMs are great. If you would've put this post up a month ago, I would take you up on your offer. But I start college again in a few days, and will barely have the time to keep up with what my character has going on now (the server is that involved!). But rest assured, I know one of the seasoned vets will most likely take you under his/her wing. If you still have trouble, feel free to send a tell to "Korath" if you see him in game. I would be happy to point you in the right direction!



join us, we are always lookin' fer 'intelligent' orcs with a taste fer blood, pm if ye want more info on the concept or visits joiiin us, http://www.orcs.ca/orcsmain/roleplaydndfrgods.html for more info on the gods *take that info as a supplemental for your roleplay, but take the info in faiths of faerun as canon*

Welcome to the server, hope you enjoy it here.

Thanks everyone for the welcome! :)

I am currently considering all the offers that have been put forward, and want to give everyone a bit more time to respond, especially while I look for more information. So please keep sending in your offers. :)

The post that you put up shows that you are an intelligent, rational, well thought out person and you will be a welcome addition to our server. I for one am thrilled to see a newbie put such a well phrased and concise post on these forums. I hope you stick around, it is obvious you are trying to get in on the feel of this server and I know given time you will fit right in. Congrats again on your effort. Once you get involved, you will find that you can actively change the server itself, which regardless of your level is incredibly rewarding.

Rock on and welcome to the Underdark once again!!!

You're like treasure on the high seas. I can't wait to open your chest and plunder your goodies. :twisted:

And the award for "Post most sounding like a porn movie pickup line" goes to...lovethesuit!


Welcome to the underdark. Hope I 'll get to RP alot with you :D

Mal, if you ever get on IRC, message me sometime. My handle's Inquisitor

Thanks again everyone! :)

I've created my character already, and I think I've made the choice to attempt to join up as a Knight of House Toboerski. It seems as if that would offer some interesting RP opportunities...

I want to thank everyone who responded, and hope to meet you in game. My character's name is Melrick - my Gamespy Handle is the same as these boards, which is Meldread. So just drop me a line. :)

I look forward to meeting everyone!

House Toboerski is a cool faction. You'll have a ball. :)

You are the best, seriously I couldn't think of a better way to get acquainted with the server. I look forward to seeing you IG