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rat bags

well i have rat leader bag with 80% wieght reduce, and it doesnt work. i put the durgar erran (or whatever mushroom fedex quest) with 100.5 lbs, and when i put it in the bag, it has not effect.

AFAIK, the bag itself is weight reduced - 0.8 lbs instead of 1 (a rat bag being a derivation of a standard "box" container, the standard container which weighs 1 lb).

Does not apply to the contents. It's not a "carry more swag" bag.

Note: A set of armour with 80% weight reduction is not a magical weight loss method, much to the disappointed of the more portly members of the EfU adventuring community.

heh, thanks for letting my know that ^_^ perhpas should be said in the bag OOCly

i think this post should be locked