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Ghostwise and telepathy

well, i created with a friend two ghostwise halflings from the same clan, and encountered something a bit disturbing:

i beleive there is some balance in races. the problem comes to ghostwise: every hin (i say hin, cause i get ghostwise hin skin, and i figure hin is halfling) get a lucky feat, except for ghostwise (as i recall), balancing it, there is thier telepathy.

telepathy, though, causes a trouble: it is very shadowed how it should be used, for example, in the underdark, it is very rare to have two hins of the same tribe, thus telepathy wont work between them. moreover, two ghostwise hins to meet are rare as well. all this makes the telepathy quite anusuable. should thier feat ce changed? should there be rules and guidelines concerning them?

i think their telepathy should be stronger (lucky feat is quite good) lets say, to be able to telepath to known ghostwise, and telepath to characters they can see. (lets say, due to the hard conditions in the underdark, they are more aware to thier serroundings etc.)

Hin are only halflings from a specific region as I understand, even if your skin has that name, I believe it's a little mistake.

Try searching for this topic, too, I know there has been a very long thread about ghostwise and telepathy, as I recall the outcome was that they're in the underdark, separated from their tribe and as such aren't able to use it. It's too metagame-ish I think it was.

They are still different from lightfoot halflings however, so chosing the ghostwise subrace is still an interesting coice for RP. If you are wanting game-mechanical advantages, I can only recommend lightfoot.

Linelle Hin are only halflings from a specific region as I understand, even if your skin has that name, I believe it's a little mistake.

This sounds reasonable: http://www.candlekeep.com/fr_faq.htm#_Toc16090570

Sounds like "yankee" - technically applies to you Americans from a certain area, but has become a term to encompass any of the hated culture that inflicted David Hasselhoff on the world.

Not sure what hin and one's dermis have in common, though. Personally I don't have a name for my skin, but hey, Linelle, whatever does it for you.

Back to the topic though, I think that if anything the telepathic ability is overpowerful. After all, Sago and Mera are in the same family right? What happens if Sago is taking a stroll down a dark allyway where he runs into a few cultists hes annoyed. Oh look, trouble for him, until he sends a mental message to his sister who just happens to be sitting in the rock with a bunch of battle-ready paladins and clerics. It allows your characters to commicate their thoughts and feelings to each other without anyone else knowing, you can tell her thoughts such as "lets not trust this guy, think up some excuse and we'll walk away" or "I've snuck up behind the enemy lines and am in position, ready when you are" The telepathic bond is very useful though its use realies heavily on how you RP your character. I'm not too sure about being only able to read the thoughts of family, I think it applies to any you meet, though this is somthing I'm not too sure of (my knowledge of forgotten realms sucks), if so, it means you can easily see past lies and other forms of deception as well, if not, just being able to commicate with one person like this is more than good enough.

Ghostwise telepathy is not supported on EFU.

Icky.. What I mean is when you play a halfling it will say something whenever you log in...

Acquired item: Lightfoot Hin Skin Creating and equipping hide.

No need to play dumb on me -.-

If it was supported it only works within a certain area, like 30 feet or something.

well, for now, it seems:

ghostwise are not "balanced" (good perhpas for RP but, is not "fair", could always say im a lightfoot raised by ghsotwise etc.) therefore there is their telepathy. telepathy is not supported, therefore not legal ( ? ). making ghostwise not fully role played.

yes, telepathy is a strong feat, ONLY because we made them of the same tribe... but what about MOST of the ghostwise? take for example togo and sago, two ghostwise from diffrent tribes.

and take mera, she might mary togo, will it create some telepathy between them?

i dont know how importent this (if at all ) to the dms, but there must be something to decide about it (other then, its not common, and hard to support, thus illegal etc. )

((and i never said a thing about mind reading... only about sending your voice through out distances ))

It could be built into the Talus system but I don't know if it's worth it. it may be. You never know.

is there a referance about this Talus system? (sorry for my lack of knowledge)

i must say i did not ask to overload dms and worldbuilder(s ?) with tasks, as well as a legal solution instead of tells (which i dont think dms like it).

another think i just came up with: what about deafness? could a deaf ghostwise could speak with close tribe members? (i think he could) and last question, what about those ghostwise who wish to join the tribe? could they learn to communicate via telepathy?

Metro_Pack Ghostwise telepathy is not supported on EFU.

I think it's already been started pretty clearly. Telepathy simply isn't supported, and I can see a fair few reasons why. It can open the door to a lot of metagaming being defended in a rather lame way if it were, for instance.

I wouldn't say this is particularly underpowering for ghostwise halfling anyway. Compared with other halfling all they lose is a simple +1 vs. saves, and I would hope most people play ghostwise halfling for the RP oppertunities, and so wouldn't feel particularly slighted by this slight underpowering.

I know it's not. I was merely mentioned that it Could be.

for the sake of clarity, Metro Pack being a DM has made it clear the ghostwise telepathic ability is not available in EfU.

If it WAS, this is what the campaign setting has to say about it:

A ghostwise halfling, unlike other halflings, can communicate telepathically with any creature within 20 feet, just as if speaking with him or her. The halfling can only speak and listen to one person at a time, and he must share a common language with the person or creature he speaks to telepathically, or the telepathic link fails.

So even if it WAS applicable to EfU, communicating when out of sight from each other is EXTREMELY unlikely as 20 feet isn't that far away.

the bottom line is? no telepathy? not even two brothers? (twins in that case)

Telepathy just isn't something I think should be on EfU at all, outside of DM interaction.

If you feel that in spite of being told telepathy is not supported, feel free to contact a DM IG so that we can have an illithid attracted by it to eat your telepathic brain.

Since telepathiy is not surported, I can see Alogens origonal point, this does make ghostwise slighty underpowered, they were made with the intent of them being able to use their powers, if it is not surported then perhaps another ability such as the lucky feat isn't too much to ask for

You should pick your characters and concepts without gameplay mechanics in mind. :!:


Ghostwise Halflings should be extremely rare in Sanctuary. Maybe this -slight- mechanical disadvantage will discourage masses of people from playing them.