Greetings sir,
You might have heard of me by the Seeker Grey, and the Seeker Nicolas. I was not the closest friend of the latter, I really am sorry. I do feel it is my fault he is dead. I did not spring to help him as the drow killed him.
If you would have me join the Seekers, I would really really appreciate...I am a surgeon, but I'm more than that... I can track and sneak. I'm writing that, not only to honor the Seeker's death, but also to see both your and my dreams become true. I want to children of the city to see Lathander's sun, and not to rot in Mask's shadows. So, if you want my help, I'm willing to give it.
I have an interesting theory on how we could find a way to the surface, but it's a very shaky theory... and maybe too long to try to explain in this letter, so...
Have a nice day, sir
Philip Meet
Oh, I can be reached at the Rock Bottom, any time.