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Caltrop Stacking

Hey. Throwing 50 sets of Caltrops down to do 50 points of damage to anybody who walks over them. That's a bug. Please don't do it, until we find a way to fix it.



hmmm yeah that would be a bug though stacking caltrops should have an effect due to the fact that there is less area to walk with out stepping on them perhaps rather than getting rid of that all together perhaps it would be better to maby speed up the the damage gained up to a certain amount maby to a maximum of 3damage per turn that may work better than just eliminating stacking caltrops all together lol though i must say that i never thought of doing something like that.

on a partially related topic. rats in the sewers i saw some one (cant rember their charactors name) using a bow to attract rats then getting behind a door and closing the portculus then using the bow to kill the rats. that i know is straight away against the rules though it brought an interesting thought to light. rats themselves should be able to squeeze inbetween the bars of the portculis even when closed so maby that could be worked into it that small creatures can move through doors un hindered or at the very least open them same with inteligent creatures. what do you think?

It's tough for us to script engine changes, but I'll ask The Wolf.


I'm pretty sure Arkov attempted to fix the caltrop stacking already. At least, he claimed to, but I gather it didn't work?

Damn Arkov and his frivolous attempts at bug fixes!


I kind of think it is fixed. Maybe I am wrong.

cawila I kind of think it is fixed. Maybe I am wrong.
Does this go for PC Caltrop stacking, as well as for NPC Caltrop stacking? (Those Chosen never seem to mind themselves, their floor is littered with these constantly!)