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Seekers killing slavers

Okay we did a mission when we attacked a goblin fortress to rescue sopme slaves. We did but the slaves were former slavers trying to enslave the goblins..it got real comlicated the our leader seeker had us kill them since they were slaves...i thought sanctuary opened it doors to all slaves not bothering with thre pasts right? So why qwere they killed?

Because it was IC for the leader Seeker, who completley hates slavery.

It's an IC issue, and should be treated IC.. No server rule or the like states that a seeker must not kill slavers. My character for instance was a slave of humans longer than of any other race and as such just shrugs her shoulders and does nothing or goes along with the killing, forgetting about it as soon as it's over since those "mere humans" won't see more than a hundred years anyway, even if they manage not to get themselves killed first.

In character decisions by certain characters should really be dealt with in character, and not on an out of character forum.