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Andronas' Oghman Scholarly Services

Only a couple fliers are put up around Upper Sanctuary, mainly in the Rock Bottom Inn, Town Hall, and near the Bazaar. All are written in a meticulously neat script, but are placed up almost haphazardly, and at odd angles, bordering on having been posted horizontally.

I, Mason Andronas, am a scholar and linguist of the Lord of Knowledge, am offering my services to the people of Sanctuary as a translator, scribe, and recorder of those most difficult to read scriptures. I am trained in the reading and deciphering of many languages and dialects. Given time and the proper preparations, I guarantee that I can translate any text presented to me.

The only price I charge for my assistance is the cost of necessary supplies and to be allowed to keep a written record of the texts for myself.

I'm available by appointment at any time, and am prepared to go into dangerous places if necessary. Please contact myself, Mason Andronas at the Rock Bottom Inn, if you are interested in hiring me for my services.

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