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Hi, I am Feklahr. I am new (started last night). I have been playing NWN since it came out, and have played online quite a bit on several servers.

The player is Matthias. He is 29, lives in Iowa, married, and works "9 to 5". He (I? lol) is a huge fantasy fan, and has been playing D&D for 20 years as both player and DM.

Feklahr is a PNP character I have tried to translate to NWN. He was originally a Half-Ogre bezerker that had a frantic dislike for those who would abuse the weak. He was a Chaotic Good character because he liked to help the meek and poor, and would ruthlessly destroy those whom he perceived to be evil.

Feklahr also holds religious beliefs, but doesn't really talk about them. Tempus is the best translation for the God I had created for him. He believes his Berzerker Rage is Divinely inspired, and uses said rage to pay tribute to his God (by defeating his foes).

Personality-wise, Feklahr has a soft-side. He likes to drink ale and laugh, and holds friends dear. He is fiercely loyal and honourable. He will take whatever measures necessary to bring any task appointed to him to completion.

Neither is Feklahr the stereotypical "dumb half-orc fighter". His intelligence is 10, so he at least is smart enough to be well versed in what he is good at: fighting. He is also smart enough to be congenial to those that are not rude to him. However, he has a quick temper with those that have a sharp tongue, and the personality to back things up with violence (if called for). He would often try to scare a rude tavern patron off (he has a few points in Intimidate, lol) as opposed to knocking his brains out.

Feklahr is a wise battle strategist, even if it looks like he is just berzerking and running into the fray. He will often discuss tactics before entering combat. Once engaged in combat, he fights until all enemies are vanquished. Unless someone tells him to take a prisoner, he will just kill them all...to the point of running down fleeing cowards and murdering them mercilessly.

Feklahr has a strong personal hatred for the Slaadi. If he sees one, he will outright attack and berzerk without warning.

Well, there! You have a little insight to the "new" guy. Please keep in mind I am just new to the server, not playing NWN online (especially story driven RP worlds).

Welcome to the Underdark, Feklahr.

Thnakies! I will be sure to talk OOC a lot and use l33t while I am doing it. But only while I am farming spawnpoints....

</sarcasm> :mrgreen:

I bid you welcome. But your first post was quite a different I have seen before(not that it would have been bad one ;) ). And I would love to have chats OOCly in IRC.

Best of luck to you.

Sure! You can even email me, if you want. matthias.lilleg@gmail.com

By my first post, did you mean my journal thread?


Scroll upward to top to see said first post :D

Well, welcome. Remember...

You're never safe.



I'm not joking.


hey mate welcome to the server, if you got any questions feel free to ask me.

Yeah, welcome aboard! :wink:

welcome. at least you have a 9-5 job to stop EfU from taking over your life.

Great! Another victi...I mean minio....I mean COMRADE, yes comrade works fine 8)

Welcome aboard.

Wow! Thanks everyone!!! I feel so special now. :shock: :roll: :wink:

Oh, fresh meat into the grinder! Good, good... *rubbing palms* :twisted: