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Howl's 2,000 Leagues Under the Sea Adventure

First our protagonists are equipped for proper underwater travel

There's safety in numbers!

There are many dangers in the deep sea:

Shark on Shark deadly action!

Killer Jello Molds

The water gets numbingly cold as the adventurers swim deeper and deeper

Arr, Sunken Treasure!

Lemli and Taddle learn the value of opposable thumbs as they try and work an airlock.

Alas, air to breathe!

Lemli preforms a quick cervical surgery on an eldery gentlemen in the underwater slave pens while Taddle holds off Umberhulks

Pursued by rabid minatours and other equally as deadly creatures, our heroes make their escape!

Finally, solid land!

Adventure Courtsey of Captain Howland.

Awesome! :)

Ok this is something I really want to do sometime is an undewater adventure!!!

Great shots - thank you

Never played the pirates of the sword coast so as soon as They've got a working quest working like this you wont see me anywhere else for a few days. Thanks for the screenshots and torment

Mrawr, Evelyn. Nice shots!