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not sure where to put it....

well, firstly, in the races, at the site, ghostwise and other type dont have the lucky feat, yet, it appears in the game (either it should be written, or it should be dealt in the game)

secondly, (not sure its not fixed yet), in order to roll dice you need to write: /c roll ...

tohugh, in the radiel menu, in the crafting - > roll dice

it still tells *roll ... *

About the Ghostwise. It says you don't get lucky, but you get lucky and my Strongheart got Luck of Heroes automatically as well.

i know, but its needed to be written, no?

I'm about 90% sure that you get -1 all saving throws to adjust this, making the documentation correct.

I'm also pretty now *roll 1d10* is working, although for a brief period it wasn't.

Locked, as the issues here appear to have been resolved.