2006-08-06 08:32:54 UTC
Posted outside the Rock Bottom inn, near the Cage and right next to the Crone.
Men, woman and children. Know that the House of Light has been given an ultimatum to cease their doings in their so called House of Light. If they fail to do such, VICTIMS such as YOURSELF will pay the price for their ignorance, within a week of time.
Members of the House of Light. You hold, in your power, the possibility to STOP this from happening.
Each one of you may decide to rid him/herself of his Disease and Sins, by PUBLICLY having your body cleansed, by means of a stick, or whip. This should be done outside the Town Hall.
If I find myself somehow cheated along the road, I will speed up the progress and double the numbers, every day.
Now, KNOW THIS. When EACH member decides to do as previously offered, I’m inclined to stop whatever I’ve threatened them I’d do. This involves them permanently closing the House of Light.
It’s in their hands.
And you should know.
2006-08-06 10:04:49 UTC
Prominently featured undearneath the copy near the Cage,
You have supplied no means to contact you, but I am confident of my sins and wish to be cleansed publically before all Sanctuarians.
Contact me.
- Councilor Nogueyra
2006-08-06 10:32:26 UTC
Reads over the whole. Snorts shortly, before breaking into a chuckle. Distance is taken, where he consumes an Invisibility potion, walking straigt back towards the notice after.
Councilor Nogueyra. I'm sure you're as incapable as many claim, though I'm sure even you can provide yourself of the required tools. You'll do this yourself.
2006-08-07 02:48:02 UTC
*A short and eloquently written notice penned in charcoal and on a rather poor quality of paper at the posting outside of the Crone*
I am glad to know you see fit to use the precious and limited space of lower to advertise your ideas.I recommend you take it upon yourself to contact me. Quickly.
Mister Valerius
2006-08-07 12:48:50 UTC
The paper has been torn off the wall. He heads out towards the Hoaran Temple, where he takes a right into the Tunnels.
Later the paper is replaced at his original position, the backside written on.
Dear Mister Valerius,
I see little to no reason to meet with you.
I'm not one to enjoy meetings in a weak attempt to have me changing my mind, nor will I walk into a poorly hidden trap.
My demand stands. Four and a half day remain.
2006-08-11 22:49:32 UTC
Ooc. Delayed 1 day. Sorry for the inconvenience.
2006-08-12 23:03:40 UTC
Quickly written down in a steady hand writing under the note
Two people died.
Due to the House of Light.
Will they stop the killing?
Are they ever so willing?
No. They won't.
Because why? They don't care about lives. Only about titles.
Elytherin Dragonius
2006-08-13 03:05:29 UTC
a large halforc carries a large Zurkwood plank to the wall next to the cage behind the rockbottom and then hoists it so it rests just below the notice then takes a short sword and drives it through the plank into the wall pinning the plank in place with only the hilt of the sword visable. he then pulls out a peice of parchment and carves the lines he does not understand onto the plank using his great sword the end result words that are hard to read because of the craftmanship of the makeshift sign
come now where is the intelligance in treating this so called evil with more evil seems rather strange to me perhaps a debate should be established instead as to the house of light's continued existance or alternativly why not establish a brothel in upper sanctuary to even the score though to myself i see no point in treating such a place with such ill will if they wish to work that way than fine build a place dedicated to the opposite if you wish...
the half orc looks at the work and then chuckles walking off growling and laughing at the thought of his reward for doing such a menial task
2006-08-13 03:17:26 UTC
a large halforc carries a large Zurkwood plank to the wall next to the cage behind the rockbottom and then hoists it so it rests just below the notice then takes a short sword and drives it through the plank into the wall pinning the plank in place with only the hilt of the sword visable. he then pulls out a peice of parchment and carves the lines he does not understand onto the plank using his great sword the end result words that are hard to read because of the craftmanship of the makeshift sign come now where is the intelligance in treating this so called evil with more evil seems rather strange to me perhaps a debate should be established instead as to the house of light's continued existance or alternativly why not establish a brothel in upper sanctuary to even the score though to myself i see no point in treating such a place with such ill will if they wish to work that way than fine build a place dedicated to the opposite if you wish...
the half orc looks at the work and then chuckles walking off growling and laughing at the thought of his reward for doing such a menial task
None of this happened. If you'd like to have it happen, find a DM IG to RP the other NPCs there as your character pursues his construction project.
Elytherin Dragonius
2006-08-13 06:04:00 UTC
//kinda thought it would count for a note a very different note but alright i think i can see the boundry now between something very different and something needing help to be acheived will keep an eye out for DM's when i log in to do it
2006-08-14 22:32:53 UTC
A small note has been added right next to the original
Members of the House of Light. So far, two have died. Their last words cried.
Tomorrow more will be burried, deep below;
Close the House.
Pray to the Maiden.
Ask to be purged.
Purge yourself.
And no more will fall. It's in your hands.