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Contest - new Underdark creatures

I thought it might be fun to see if anyone has any new ideas for Underdark monsters.

Submissions can be put here or PM'ed to me if you'd like it to be a surprise.

The submitters of my top three favorite monsters will get a prize of some kind for the character of their choice.

Format should be fairly readable and concise.

Name of Monster Model/Appearance ((this part is important!!)) Examine Description Special Abilities (if any) Special kinds of loot it might drop (if any) Other information you'd like to include

One thing I'm particularly interested in is monsters that might inhabit the Lowerdark (deepest parts of the Underdark), which is a section of the module that is slowly being expanded.

Addendum: This can include canon monsters that belong in the Underdark that you notice that we haven't added yet or entirely new monsters of your own invention.

The key here, really, is to come up with a good model that is semi-plausible (i.e. we use sahuagin for kuo-toa, badgers for dire moles, the glittering light placeable for nyths, etc.)

Puppeteer Slugs

These creatures are very small slugs, usually of a shiny dark green or grey colour. They are scavengers and parasites by nature. They seek out fresh animal or humanoid corpses in their environment. Once found, they burrow themselves into the corpse and start to reproduce. In time, they are able to gain control of their dead host's muscles. (Rumours speak even of ancient Puppeteer Colonies that are able to activate most of their host's abilities, or enough to blend in with others of his kind, and fool even sentient, intelligent creatures.)

They feed on certain tissues, and their waste product is able to halt further natural decomposition of the host, thus they are able to preserve the body.

Once the colony is established (which does not take long; fresher corpses allow for faster infestation) they are able to fully control the corpse and make it appear as though it were living. Depending on the state of the corpse, they may then seek out other corpses of that species to replace damaged limbs or simply create another Puppet. The Puppeteers may “jettison” unwanted limbs at will, and find better replacements. In fact, that is one of their goals as they wander the Underdark; to constantly improve the strength of their hive host.

Without a host, these creatures could be represented in NWN by the smallest ooze model. With a host, they can be represented by any of the humanoid or animal models. (The body may look pale or haggard, but does not look as the rotting remains of an undead creature - neither the host nor the slug is undead).

When in contact with other living beings that are not aware of the true nature of the infested creature, it may try to blend in or remain peaceful. Should the others detect that something is wrong (eyes moving in opposite directions, for example), or if the colony feels threatened or it simply desires the limbs of the other creatures, the host will attack, and newly hatched slugs will pour out of the corpse, trying to escape the hive incase it is destroyed.

So, in NWN, a spawn of this kind could be a humanoid with several young slugs at its feet. The humanoid represented by the half-orc model (because this particular colony found some strong limbs for its host, even if the original host was an average built human) and some small oozes to represent the slugs.

Examine description would vary depending on the appearance of the host. The slugs themselves would be described as “A disgusting mass of slimy, writhing slugs”.

Without a host, the slugs are not that threatening or strong or quick. However, if attacked, they emit a screech that can summon nearby colonies - that have found a host - to come to their aid. So, a special ability could be to summon a nearby host creature (ex: infested rat, rothe, elf). The host's special ability would be infestation of maggots on touch/bite. (The maggots that infest a living creature can not take control of the target until it's dead.)

- Yeah, it's a pretty common idea, and I'm not sure if there are monsters like that in D'n'D already.

EDIT: I forgot to add: Not every colony would wish to blend in, and so would not care about constructing Puppets with body parts of various creatures. There could be cases of a Puppet with the head, torso, legs of an elf and with the arms of a hook horror. Problem with this is that it's prolly not possible to mix models like that, but I know zero about the toolset so I'm hoping.

I posted mine on the previous topic I'll update them after I'm off work...

Name of Monster: Gloura

Model/Appearance: Female elf with silvery skin and butterfly wings/po_dryad portrait

Examine Description: A beautiful, humanoid creature with grey, mothlike wings, silvery skin and large black eyes. She wears simple, homespun clothing and carries a slender white mace.

Special Abilities: Damage reduction 10/Cold iron (+1), darkvision, Unearthly grace (Divine Grace), weapon finesse

Special kinds of loot it might drop: Fairy dust

Other information: The rare and delicate glouras are the fey of the Underdark. Though most glouras are good, some of these fey have turned towards evil. They seek to acquire wealth by any means, but they prefer trickery to force. Typical Spells(Bard): Daze, sleep, Tasha's hideous laughter, Blindness/deafness, invisibility, charm monster, confusion. - Those are from the sourcebooks but I would like to see more fey creatures in game to give the cold iron weapon some more use, and as being nomadic creatures the glouras would not be as location-bound as the already existing fey-creatures apparently are. They could also be used in a friendly faction to heal injured humanoids that they feel they can approach safely.

GRIMLOCKS would be appropriate, low to mid level ranged encounters at flexible group sizes. There is a hak for them, but they could be modified, grey colored orc models.



Combat Grimlocks are blind, but their exceptional senses of smell and hearing allow them to notice foes nearby. As a result, they usually shun ranged weapons and rush to the attack, brandishing their stone battleaxes.

Blindsight (Ex) Grimlocks can sense all foes within 40 feet as a sighted creature would. Beyond that range, they treat all targets as having total concealment.

Grimlocks are susceptible to sound- and scent-based attacks, however, and are affected normally by loud noises and sonic spells (such as ghost sound or silence) and overpowering odors (such as stinking cloud or incense-heavy air). Negating a grimlock’s sense of smell or hearing reduces this ability to normal Blind-Fight (as the feat). If both these senses are negated, a grimlock is effectively blinded.

Immunities Grimlocks are immune to gaze attacks, visual effects, illusions, and other attack forms that rely on sight.

Skills *A grimlock’s dull gray skin helps it hide in its native terrain, conferring a +10 racial bonus on Hide checks when in mountains or underground.

Size/Type: Medium Monstrous Humanoid Hit Dice: 2d8+2 (11 hp) Initiative: +1 Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) Armor Class: 15 (+1 Dex, +4 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 14 Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+4 Attack: Battleaxe +4 melee (1d8+3/×3) Full Attack: Battleaxe +4 melee (1d8+3/×3) Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Special Attacks: — Special Qualities: Blindsight 40 ft., immunities, scent Saves: Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +2 Abilities: Str 15, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 6 Skills: Climb +4, Hide +3*, Listen +5, Spot +3 Feats: Alertness, TrackB Environment: Underground Organization: Gang (2-4), pack (10-20), tribe (10-60 plus 1 leader of 3rd-5th level per 10 adults). Challenge Rating: 1 Treasure: Standard coins; standard goods (gems only); standard items Alignment: Often neutral evil Advancement: By character class Level Adjustment: +2

Name of Monster Swarmer (for anyone that played abyss 404 8) )

Model/Appearance Penguin or Rat with barkskin ( it looks good! honest!) //put onspawn(apply effect barkskin) [i prefer penguins since of the attack animation looks much better] Soundset: Gargoyle or Dire badger,

Examine Description The little bug standing before you could easily mistaken for a rock if it wasnt for its incredible speed. The swarmers are a lithovores specie which expand their territory by creating complex canals and routes into the ground surrounding their egg chamber. Due to their diet, their digestive system is filled with a most acidic enzyme that can burn through even the thickest metal. They are very defensive of their territory, and rarely move away from it; if you only see one... it usually means there are a lot more around.

Special Abilities (if any) On death, cause 2-3 acid damage on last attacker (or surrounding attackers); They move extremly fast, but the 'normal' ones arent very strong (10 HP, +0 AB maybe); their strength is their speed, and the fact that they 'swarm' ennemy, making it die by their own body's acidic enzyme.


A swarmer has a 5%(maybe less) every heartbeat to spawn another swarmer next to him.

There could be immobile creatures called 'spore screamers' which can attract swarmers, act as a trap.

Special kinds of loot it might drop (if any) nothing really. (maybe some 1/10 might drop an acid gland, which could be refine into a weapon poison)

Other information you'd like to include Its an interesting foe that is always challenging due that its speed makes it impossible to attack in range, and that you would need acid resistance (from spells or items, or tiefling) to survive a long escape through their hive or tunnels, there could always be 'fat' swarmers or 'acid spitter' swarmers specialization, its an interesting idea for an ant like colony of little speedy acid explosive bastards.

Due to the way they are made, even if you get swarmed fast of them, you only die if you kill a lot of them without any acidic protection, and not through their attacks (or less likely through their attacks); therefore even if your caught offguard , you still have a chance to live through the encounter by just running away.

It brings a creature that acts totally differently then any other creatures in NWN, which adds always more excitement.

The Forsaken

The Forsaken appear to look like any other surfacer that was brought down to the Underdark. They sometimes appear as living creatures and other times as ghosts/spirits.

They are those who were never freed. They are those who cursed the fates for allowing others to escape or be rescued while they never had such luck, neither they nor the next generations of their families. Entire lives were spent in slavery.

Therefore, their anger is not focused on their masters, but rather on the escaped slaves. It is jealousy for the “Favoured”, as they call them. The Forsaken – the ghosts of their ancestors and the living slaves - felt such anger and envy towards the “Favoured” that it was noticed by a rather powerful demon.

The demon told them that the majority of the “Favoured” is still in the Underdark and presented them with an offer. If they curse their souls and the souls of their unborn, the demon will allow a few chosen to escape their masters and give them an opportunity to hunt the “Favoured”. He will lend them a fraction of his powers too. The pact has been made several years ago, and now a few rare Forsaken await, lurking in the shadows, for the Favoured to cross their path.

Any model used by ordinary humanoid pc/npcs could be used for these creatures. They are surfacers still, they are just cursed. They can have ordinary armours/weapons/spells or they can have custom weapons that do fire damage – but this will not be dropped if the creature is killed.

If the Forsaken is an Elf, he/she will get many bonuses against Elven PCs (through the use of the feat Favoured Enemy: Elf, for example), if the Forsaken is a Dwarf he will be more effective against Dwarven PCs etc. This is to show that they are mostly angry/jealous of others of their kind being the lucky ones. (Possible loot can be weapons effective VS certain race).

EDIT: Just wanted to clarify that it's only a few famlies/groups of slaves that made this pact.

Blood Hound Krenshar model

(A grotesque, dog-like animal the size of a small pony with a thick pebbly hide, it’s overly large head made much less amusing by the four long grooved fangs jutting from it’s jawline and it’s two small sickly white unseeing eyes. Equally oversized is it’s snout, and reports of hounds following the scent of the blood from something as small as a minor cut or scrape for many miles may not be exaggerated from the look of it.)

Special Abilities: +10 Listen +10 Spot (smell) DR 5/+1 Howl: Fear effect Blind fight

No special loot

Other Info: Blood Hounds are so named because they drink the blood of their prey first before eating, thus ensuring they have the moisture they need to survive in the dry and unforgiving deepest portions of the underdark. Solitary creatures they howl to scare their prey into making mistakes as well as noise as they flee. In an environment where silence and stealth is the norm, a frightened prey is often dead prey.

The Anarough (The Sightless) Sahuagin model

(Small wiry humanoids, their skin a thick mottled gray. A gapping maw is filled with razor sharp teeth, and from the lip line to the back of the neck is uninterrupted skin excepting the large, oddly shaped ears present. Clicks and chitters are the only sounds these creatures make, and even without eyes, they seem to be able to maneuver quite well.)

Special Abilities: +10 Listen Blind fight

No special loot

Other Info: Living in the deepest caves and hollows of the Underdark, the primal and utterly savage Anarough (as they Drow call them) are the masters of their pitch black and often cramped realm. Hunting in packs they track down prey by sound, and once they have found them, they attack with true ferocity. This almost perpetual hunting not only brings in meat and blood, but thins the ranks of the injured and the weak. Even the Drow don’t go where the Anarough are.

Tunnel Worms (any ooze model)

(The skin of these large ungainly worms is almost translucent, and their vital organs as well as remnants of their last meal are usually visible. The head bears a large circular opening filled with hundreds of hooked teeth for grasping prey as they attempt to swallow them whole.)

Special abilities: Mestil's Acid Breath (caster level 3, One use)

No special loot

These resilient worm like creatures thrive in and around hot sulfer rich lava vent tubes in large colonies, where they excrete a rock like tube that they live in. Waiting until they sense the vibrations of passing creatures, they almost leap onto the passing prey to attach, and then vomit powerful stomach acids over the prey to begin digestion. Though one is rarely a danger, they are usually found in colonies, and multiple worms can often quickly digest even the largest of prey.

*edited to add

Ineffable Horror Model/Appearance: Demonflesh Golem (model/portrait); slaad, powerful voiceset.

Description: Before you stands an ogre-sized humanoid. Its large, bat-like wings flap randomly, and from it's abdomen, several writhing, snakelike intestines protrude, almost as if they were seperate beings.

Special Abilities: Blood Drain (Special Attack - 1d4+1 Con drain [DC=11]), Improved Grab, Attaching Intestines (Hold [DC=14, duration 75% / 1 round]), Darkvision 60 ft., spell resistance 16.

Other: In spite of these supposedly being able to lay whole villages unpopulated, in it's current form it's actually pretty weak. A few more HD or 5 wouldn't hurt.

Phaerlock Model/Appearance: Asabi Shaman model, po_garm portrait; asabi warrior voiceset.

Description: This 7 feet tall humanoid is completely covered in blood red armorlike plates. Its four eyes constantly dart about, scanning the area for potential threats, or perhaps its next meal.

Special Abilities: All-around vision (Defensive Awareness 2), Share Pain (Gaze, paralysis).

Name of Monster Spirit Stag

Model/Appearance White Stag, Average white glow, transparent

Examine Description A large and powerful Stag form that glows an odd glow. It is speculated that only those who are unwillingly in the Underdark can see it as many slaves say they have seen it about their work, but that may just be hallucinations. Another tale says they are a beacon of hope in the Underdark, and assist those who need it.

Special Abilities Aid, Bless, Cure Critical Wounds, Charm Person or Animal.

Special kinds of loot it might drop (if any) Spirit Stag horns (Quest Item or Cure Light Wounds 1 use per day)

Other information you'd like to include Very, very rare, possible Summon. Friendly to all.

THOQQUA would be appropriate and good for low to mid level characters (have some really large ones roaming, especially in lava tubes). Any kind of large worm/larva like model that can be changed to a reddish color, especially at the front end would work well (first link is to the Giant Ant family pak which includes larvae models).



A thoqqua is about 1 foot in diameter and 4 to 5 feet long. It weighs about 200 pounds.

Combat When a thoqqua is disturbed, its first instinct is to attack. Its favored tactic is to spring directly at a foe, either by bursting out of the rock or by coiling up its body and launching itself like a spring. (Treat this as a charge, even though the thoqqua does not need to move 10 feet before attacking.)

Heat (Ex) Merely touching or being touched by a thoqqua automatically deals 2d6 fire damage.

Burn (Ex) When a thoqqua hits with its slam attack, the opponent must succeed on a DC 12 Reflex save or catch fire. The save DC is Constitution-based. The flame burns for 1d4 rounds if not extinguished sooner. A burning creature can use a full-round action to put out the flame.

Size/Type: Medium Elemental (Earth, Extraplanar, Fire) Hit Dice: 3d8+3 (16 hp) Initiative: +1 Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), burrow 20 ft. Armor Class: 18 (+1 Dex, +7 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 17 Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+4 Attack: Slam +4 melee (1d6+3 plus 2d6 fire) Full Attack: Slam +4 melee (1d6+3 plus 2d6 fire) Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Special Attacks: Heat, burn Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., elemental traits, immunity to fire, tremorsense 60 ft., vulnerability to cold Saves: Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +2 Abilities: Str 15, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 10 Skills: Listen +5, Move Silently +3, Survival +3 Feats: Alertness, Track Environment: Elemental Plane of Fire Organization: Solitary or pair Challenge Rating: 2 Treasure: None Alignment: Usually neutral Advancement: 4-9 HD (Large) Level Adjustment: —

Name of Monster Model/Appearance ((this part is important!!)) Examine Description Special Abilities (if any) Special kinds of loot it might drop (if any) Other information you'd like to include

Were-Bat Model/Appearence: A dwarf model with no arms, with bat wings in their place. Color to match, long wirey hair. Examine Descripition: A werebat is a deep lycan varient, it is generally short. It uses sonic energy to find its prey in the deep casems that they dwell in. It generally eats its victim's blood as they two are converted into a werebat. Special Abilities: Sonic blast, Gaze-Fear, [Feat] Circle Kick, Vampiric Regeneration +1.

Name of Monster - Scholar

Model/Appearance - Demilich in a red light

Examine Description - "Before you pulsates a mass of light. As your eyes near it's center, the light grows more and more intense, and seems to come from a vaguely defined mass drifting about it's center. As you observe it, it's shape seems to slowly define itself into a humanoid form floating amongst the dense cloud of light. Within the featureless face of this being rests a levitating skull from what seems to be an illithid, completely picked clean of any flesh. It emanates some sort of feeling, something that can only be identified as profoundly familiar, yet all the while terrifying."

- This being was formed when a Necromancer attempted to raise a Mind Flayer as his undead servant. He made a mistake, and instead stripped the mind and conscience from the Illithid. The disembodied mind would have been all but helpless, were it not for the ties to the Negative Energy plane it developed, and the fact that an Illithid's mind is a powerful thing. While it no longer requires brains for it's bread, it still hungers for the energy contained therein."

Special Abilities - Same as Illithid, except for Brain Devour Damage Reduction 10/+1 Ray of Enfeeblement at will - With the discovery of it's newfound powers, the first act a scholor commits it to drain the strength of he who created him. This both sates his thirst and acts as the first level of control he can exhibit over his current form. Negative Energy Burst at will - When aggrivated, all it need do is focus itself on an object, and the negative energy which uses his consciousness as a conduit to this plane can manifest in a burst. Sanctuary at will - With but a moment of thought, he can send out a wave of psionic energy and force all those observing him to suddenly think they no longer perceive him. Fear at will - The Scholar still retains it's psionic abilities. Truthfully, they are magnified by it's current state. At a whim, it may delve into another's mind and extract in a storm of blunt force it's most base fears, so that he may shape both the shape and form of the light around it's form and it's victim's perception of it's form, sending them into a terrified stupor. Animate Dead 3/day - The Scholar has drawn forth from it's creator, after his death at the will of the Scholar, of course, a lesson in how to focus the energy now at his beckon in the manner necessary to raise the dead, and the advantages of controlling creatures through necromancy. Energy Drain 1/day - The Scholar is overwhelmed with hunger for what lies in the hearts of mortals and, thus, uses it's powers to extract and feast upon the experiences of it's victims.

Special kinds of loot it might drop - Illithid Skull - This skull is that of an Illithid, but seems somewhat different. It seems to be hardened and blackened, seemingly radiating an aura of malaise energy and hatred. - 1 use of Energy Drain or Animate Dead

Dalek Emperor Name of Monster Model/Appearance ((this part is important!!)) Examine Description Special Abilities (if any) Special kinds of loot it might drop (if any) Other information you'd like to include

Were-Bat Model/Appearence: A dwarf model with no arms, with bat wings in their place. Color to match, long wirey hair. Examine Descripition: A werebat is a deep lycan varient, it is generally short. It uses sonic energy to find its prey in the deep casems that they dwell in. It generally eats its victim's blood as they two are converted into a werebat. Special Abilities: Sonic blast, Gaze-Fear, [Feat] Circle Kick, Vampiric Regeneration +1.

Could just use a gargoyle model with barkskin effect.

Name : Morpher Slime

Model : green ooze + shapes Examine description : The Morpher Slime is a gelatinous based creature. It has the ability to change into any creature it has absorbed. It then gains the skills, knowledge, abilities and inteligence the creature it absorbed it once had. However, certain creatures are not comatible for absorbtion, such as golems and dragons. It can absorb more than one being, to allow it to have different shapes. It also can create weapons and clothes out of it's body, which hardens when it changes shape. The essence of a Morpher Slime can be used to create a potion with which one may change shape.

Special abilities : Change shape 1 or 2 times per day, Special loot : Morpher Slime Essence ( a potion )

notes : is it possible for the slime to morph with a weapon in it's hand for a humanoid shape, have several models with different shapes and shape looks with racial abilities for the shape taken. Can be used as a DM possessed NPC. Can there be essences with different effects?

Name of Monster: Arachnoid Mouther

Model/Appearance: Aranea (portrait and model); faerie dragon voiceset rather than spider

Examine Description: Ten gangly limbs tufted with clumps of thick black fur support a monstrous head with multiple eyes and venom-dripping fangs.

Special Abilities: Alertness, Darkvision, Immunity: Mind spells, Poison DC-14 Strenght(Prim)/Constitution(Sec) 1d4, arrow miss chance 20% (perm. Entropic shield applied onSpawn)

Special kinds of loot it might drop: Nothing in particular

Other information: The Arachnoid Mouther is a drow-bred monstrosity created by applying the Arachnoid template to a tall mouther.

Name of Monster: Apsu

Model Appearance: Gelatinous Cube that glows a bright blue.

Examine Description: A vast quivering gelatinous mound. The apsu emits a radiant blue light, its slick oily surface moves in sinuous patterns and ripples. If you watch long enough, you feel as if these patterns hold importance and must be watched closely with no other distractions. A plethera of books, scrolls, and what looks disturbingly like humanoid and non-humanoid brains float within its mass.

Special Abilities: Glow with a bright blue light, Aura of Stunning, Ooze Properties, Psionic Stun and Charm, spells equivalent to a 20th level wizard, gelatinous cube attack.

Special Kinds of Loot: Scrolls, books, brains (uncooked)

Other Information: An apsu is a highly intelligent ooze. They are rumored to have been some of the first sentient beings, if not the very first. The apsu exist soley to add to their knowledge of the world, categorizing and listing everything they learn. Entirely neutral in outlook, they are amoral and unethical but lack the pure selfish nature of evil creatures. An apsu will devour the mind of anyone they deem worthy, and by aborbing they destroy the mind's body but preserve the brain within their mass.

Still capable of thought and containing all its previous memories, the apsu can access the brain and use it as to augment its own mind, spells, and abilities-although the creature the brain belonged to is considered dead and unresurrectable for all purposes. The mind is there, but the soul has passed on.

Everything known by one Apsu is known by all others, which leads the few scholars who have ever studied these creatures (without becoming absorbed by them) to conclude there is truly only one Apsu. Whatever curse of Ghaunadaur is claimed to have struck all the oozes stupid and without minds never affected the Apsu; either by will of Ghaunadaur or because the Apsu was wise enough to protect itself.

Deep Imaskari Detailed on page 10 of the Underdark book. It'd make a good subrace for humans.

Secret and few, the deep Imaskari are heirs to the lost empire of Imaskar. When that land fell to its slave armies and the incarnate gods of Unther and Mulhorand, a few survivors fled to the Underdark to found a new home.

Appearance: Deep Imaskari appear human, but with skin that appears like a smooth white marble. It is still soft to the touch like flesh, and merely a side effect of the magical alterations the Imaskari went through to survive in the lower dark.

The deep Imaskari have been content to hide for thousands of years, every attempt to re-establish an empire such as they ruled on the surface has met with failure and death. Now however, the isolation is coming to an end once again as young Imaskari are leaving the city to wander and search for the world their ancestors left long ago.

Whenever an Imaskari leaves their city though, their minds are wiped to prevent any of learning where they come from. They can return only when called back by powerful magics, some agree to be called back at the completion of a quest, or after a certain length of time.

+2 int, -2 Dex, bright and quick to learn arcane lore, they lack the grace and balance of other humanoids, too many centuries spent relying on magic.

Low Light Vision

Spell Clutch: Deep Imaskari can instantly recall one spell per day and recast it even if it was already cast (equivalent of a spell storing ring that only uses 0 and 1rst level spells)

+4 Hide bonus

Favored class wizard.

Name of Monster: Baphitaur

Model/Appearance: Bugbear Chieftain equipped with a tale model and a great axe. Minotaur PC Portrait or any such Minotaur portrait.

Examine Description: A tall, broad humanoid, comparable in size and build to a strong orc warrior. Its face resembles that of a minotaur, with bestial features, bull-like ears, short but very sharp horns, and a shaggy mane of hair. Stringy hair covers its body, and a long tail thrashes wildly behind it when it is agitated. Its feet are humanlike, not hoofed.

Special Abilities: Cold resistance 5, darkness, electricity resistance 5, fire resistance 5, natural cunning, rage, scent (Blindfight perhaps?), uncanny dodge, +5 listen, spot, search

Special kinds of loot it might drop (if any): Baphitaur Horn (Dagger with piercing bonuses), mundane greataxe

Other information you'd like to include: Likely a mid-high level encounter for one or a group of such creatures. Most would multiclass as barbarians and rangers, possibly accompanied by a shaman (cleric of Baphomet).

Though similar in fundamental principle to tieflings, who claim descent from humans who mated with demons, baphitaurs are the product of magical experimentation rather than demonic breeding. Baphitaurs have demon blood, it is true, mingled through unholy sorcery with both human and minotaur stock. The result is a creature of unmitigated evil, filled with not only a demonic hatred of puny mortals but also a passionate fury at the circumstances of its creation.

The creators of the baphitaurs were Netherese wizards whose school of magic at Andalbruin was infamous for the blasphemous experiments performed there. The creatures escaped from their creators before the fall of Netheril and have lived in the Labyrinth for many centuries, improving on the original dwarven design.

Oroborous Deep Imaskari Detailed on page 10 of the Underdark book. It'd make a good subrace for humans.

Secret and few, the deep Imaskari are heirs to the lost empire of Imaskar. When that land fell to its slave armies and the incarnate gods of Unther and Mulhorand, a few survivors fled to the Underdark to found a new home.

Appearance: Deep Imaskari appear human, but with skin that appears like a smooth white marble. It is still soft to the touch like flesh, and merely a side effect of the magical alterations the Imaskari went through to survive in the lower dark.

The deep Imaskari have been content to hide for thousands of years, every attempt to re-establish an empire such as they ruled on the surface has met with failure and death. Now however, the isolation is coming to an end once again as young Imaskari are leaving the city to wander and search for the world their ancestors left long ago.

Whenever an Imaskari leaves their city though, their minds are wiped to prevent any of learning where they come from. They can return only when called back by powerful magics, some agree to be called back at the completion of a quest, or after a certain length of time.

+2 int, -2 Dex, bright and quick to learn arcane lore, they lack the grace and balance of other humanoids, too many centuries spent relying on magic.

Low Light Vision

Spell Clutch: Deep Imaskari can instantly recall one spell per day and recast it even if it was already cast (equivalent of a spell storing ring that only uses 0 and 1rst level spells)

+4 Hide bonus

Favored class wizard.

Actually these would make pretty cool PCs......

Name of Monster Effigy Creature (Construct Template) This is taken from page 152 of the Complete Arcane handbook.

Model/Appearance Literally anything. Effigies are realistic, working mechanical versions of animals and creatures. More on this later.

Examine Description True effigies require a DC 20 Spot check to notice that they are not the real creature, and only after being seriously damaged can you find out for sure. Unfortunately, I'm not sure this can be scripted, so I'm going on that assumption. If it is possible, then the true Examine Description should be used, revealing something like the following after the Check is passed or the creature reaches under 50% HP.

("Wolf Effigy" being used for an example)

This wolf moves with mechanical grace, its iron fangs slightly rusted. The effigy's joints reveal its true nature, though at first glance one might mistake this beast for the real thing.

Special Abilities (if any) The stats for the creatures would be the exact same as their living versions, though having all the resistances and the like that other constructs have including no constitution. In addition, the effigy creatures will lose many of their supernatural abilities, spells, natural abilities etc. in most cases. Of course, svirfneblin engineers could very realistically create a fire beetle effigy that breathes fire (and drops a "svirfneblin flame gusher", for example).

All effigies get +2 natural armor. Also, there's a hitpoint increase and set damage reduction for effigies.

Bonus Hit Points: Fine & Tiny - 0 Small -10 Medium -20 Large - 30 Huge -40 Gargantuan - 60 Colossol - 80

Damage Reduction:

1-3 HD 1/+1 4-6 HD 3/+1 7-10 HD 5/+1 11-15 HD 7/+1 16-20 HD 10/+1 21+ HD 15/+1

Special kinds of loot it might drop (if any) Devices imitating natural abilities of the template creature and animatron parts.

Other information you'd like to include With the town residing in old svirfneblin ruins, it's very feasible that an effigy zoo could be found with the wild "animals" all run loose. It's also very possible that they have made their way out into the Underdark and now hunt and live just like their flesh counterparts on the surface.

Edited model/appearance on 07aug06@1815est

Ok these are probably already in the game...but

Name of Monster: Illithid Vampire

Model/Appearance: Same as Illithid.

Examine Description: Same as Illithid.

Special Abilities (if any): All Illithid abilities plus:

Feats: Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative, and Lightning Reflexes, DR: 10/silver and magic, cold and electricity 10 Turn Resistance +4 Wildshape ?x daily Regenerate 5 hp per round

Special Qualities Summon Monster I 3x daily (bats, rats, UD wolves)

Special attacks: Slam (Improved Knockdown Feat) On hit: Enervation

Create Spawn (Optional!)

Special kinds of loot it might drop (if any) Varies

Other information you'd like to include

Just an FYI: I've never seen Derro in game; and I'm sure they should be if they aren't yet.

Oroborous Just an FYI: I've never seen Derro in game; and I'm sure they should be if they aren't yet.


I always liked these guys..

Name of Monster: Cloaker

Model/Appearance: Grey ooze is the closest thing I could come up with.

Examine Description: This appears to be a very large black cloak with bone clasps lying on the ground.

Special Abilities (if any): Immune to all sonic attacks Appropriate spell to cause -2 on attack and damage (or closest to it)

Fear x times daily: DC 15 Will save Nausea: Stinking cloud effect

Stupor: Hold person/hold monster x times daily

Special kinds of loot it might drop: Could be anything.

Other information you'd like to include: all abilities are listed here: http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/cloaker.htm

Iv seens Derro's IG before.

Name of Monster: DEEP TICK Model/Appearance: Simply put, a single brown foot (Foot model: pMA0_FOOTR002) from a human model. Examine Description: Unlike a regular tick, the Deep Tick is roughly the size of a fist with an appetite bordering on blood-lust. When prey is detected a Deep Tick will hop quickly towards its target and nip at exposed areas of flesh. The monstrous insect's saliva is known to contain an anti-coagulant that causes its weak bites to continue to bleed long after. Many have perished after encounters with swarms of these creatures. Special Abilities: Bite causes 'Wounding' effect, Blind sight, bonus AC vs size, high listen skill. Special kinds of loot it might drop: No special loot Other information you'd like to include: None

Name of Monster: Spirit Naga Model/Appearance: Head and Torso of halfling model, with bone tail. Dark colouration (Halfling model is low enough to the ground that it gives the creature the appearance of slithering as opposed to floating). Examine Description: This snake-like creature is black scaled with crimson bands. Its feminine head is disturbingly human--right down to silk-like hair and alluring eyes. Venom drips from pointed teeth that slightly protrude over sensual pouting lips. Special Abilities: Poison bite, Paralysis gaze, Blind sight. Some are users of wizard or cleric spells--occassionally some can do both. Special kinds of loot it might drop: Supple scaled hide Other information you'd like to include: None

Name of Monster: Vargouille Model/Appearance: Red-bearded dwarf head and neck, with bat wings. Examine Description: A hideous flying head adorned with writhing tentacles. Special Abilities: Disease/Poison/Fire/Knock down immunity, Constitution poison on hit. Special kinds of loot it might drop: No special loot. Other information you'd like to include: These creatures are said to be spawned in Tartarus and released on the Prime Material plane to wreak havoc. They shun bright lights and lair in deep caves. Original MMII.

Name of Monster: Volt Model/Appearance: Half-orc pelvis with green lizard tail. Tunic, pelvis only, coloured green and red. Examine Description: This curious but dangerous creature appears as a roughly spherical bundle of grey-green hair with a long whip-like tail. Two bulbous red eyes stare out of the hairy mass, above a mouthful of needle-like teeth. The creature's locomotion appears to be by a form of levitation. It moves swiftly about in the air, as an eel would in water. Special Abilities: Spring attack, dark sight, Electrical Resistance 10/-, Immune to mind influencing spells, Very fast speed, Bite delivers Electric Jolt lvl 1. Special kinds of loot it might drop: No special loot Other information you'd like to include: The creature actually moves around like a spermatozoa... funny as hell to watch!

Name: Lower

Model: Bodak

Examine Description: Their stiff, jerky gaits and featureless forms of shadow conceal the swift death they bring. With voices like fingernails on the inside of a coffin, these beings of raw terror exist only to punish the living and free.

Optional, additional description: These are the forgotten spirits of those who have been buried alive. Their tall, gaunt figures are sunken and deflated from a lack of air, and their ragged fingertips drip a trail of blood wherever they walk. A peculiar and terrifying aura surrounds them, filling the ears of all near with a sound that is soundless. Cries for aid go unheard, and pitiful screams echo into the abyss, lost forever. In combat, the Buried scratch and claw at their enemies with ferocity and fervour, moving with unholy haste. The overwhelming pity and depression raised by the presence of these beings can leave a body stiff and cramped, as though it had been confined for an untold time. They seem less able to grasp the concept of avoiding strikes, however, and merely weather the blows of their enemies with grim resilience.

Special Abilities: Fear aura, Silence aura, Dexterity poison OnHit, undead immunities.

Special kinds of loot: Nothing special. Whatever they were buried with. Could be anything.

Other info: A very low AC, offset by an incredible HP. 2 or 3 attacks per round.

Name of Monster: Sheet Phantom Model/Appearance: Pelvis of 1/2 Orc--large sized-- wearing stark white priest's robe Examine Description: These undead are said to be the blankets of frightened folk, imbued with unlife from their wakeful terrified clutching, and their horrific nightmares. These creatures manifest as bed linens draped over vaguely shaped humanoids. Their long trailing ends move about, grabbing at things, and generally fouling movement. Special Abilities: Undead properties, +4 to resisting turning, +1/5 damage resistance, bludegeon/choke attack that also slows on a hit. Special kinds of loot it might drop: No special loot Other information you'd like to include: Source: Original Fiend Folio

Name of Monster: Sheet Ghoul Model/Appearance: Stark-white long-haired elf, wearing stark-white tattered clothes. Examine Description: These creatures are the blasphemous progeny of Sheet Phantoms, having been slain within their suffocating embrace. Pale and lifeless, with terrified expressions locked onto their faces, these unfortunates have risen to serve their new master. Special Abilities: Undead properties, Acid bolt (spit) 2/D. Special kinds of loot it might drop: No special loot Other information you'd like to include: Source: Original Fiend Folio

Name of Monster: Underdark Assassin Vine

Model/Appearance: Ochre Jelly with barksin effect on is the best thing I can think of. Examine Description:

A subterranean version of the assassin vine grows near hot springs, volcanic vents, and other sources of thermal energy. These plants have thin, wiry stems and gray leaves shot through with silver, brown, and white veins so that they resemble mineral deposits.

An assassin vine growing underground usually generates enough offal to support a thriving colony of mushrooms and other fungy which spring up around the plant and help conceal it.

Special Abilities: Can cast entangle, able to entangle close creatures (as per tanglefoot bag) or death attack; to make it hard for creatures to run away from it.

Special kinds of loot it might drop: Anything a previous adventurer could have when succumbing to it.

Other information you'd like to include: It can't move, must be hidden, blindsight

Source: Monster Manual

Name of Monster: Subterranean Needleman Model/Appearance: Flesh Golem model with barkskin and green glow Examine Description: A luminescent, shambling humanoid devoid of clothing. Needles jut from the creature's skin from head to foot. Special Abilities: Damage resistance to bludgeon/slashing/piercing 5/--, Immune to Crits/Disease/Poison/Sneak attacks/Level drain, Manticore spikes 3/d, 25% Damage Vulnerability to fire/lightning/cold/acid Special kinds of loot it might drop: No special loot Other information you'd like to include: These intelligent humanoids are often mistaken for the walking dead, but are in fact neither animal nor undead. These creatures are conscious plants that have gained the ability of locomotion, as well as the ability to defend themselves. Embedded in the creature's skin are masses of small sharp crystalline needles which it can project outwards as a deadly barrage.

Another FYI: There are already Quaggoths in the module.

Name of Monster: Gloomwing Model/Appearance: Faerie dragon with Shadow shield effect Examine Description: A very large moth-like creature covered in geometric patterns of black and silver. A fine powder slowly settles to the ground with every beat of its wings. Special Abilities: Cloud of Bewilderment 3/D, Str drain with mandible attack. Special kinds of loot it might drop: Mandibles are ivory-like. Other information you'd like to include: Lairs may include clutches of eggs as well as the larval form of the Gloomwing--the Tenebrous worm.

Name of Monster: Tenebrous Worm Model/Appearance: Basilisk with Shadow shield effect Examine Description: A huge, stubby, caterpiller-like creature, with a great maw that is flanked by short tusks. Long, stiff bristles cover most of the matte-black creature's body. Special Abilities: Possible paralysis when creature is struck, Poison bite, Swift moving, Good hide skill. Special kinds of loot it might drop: Mandibles are ivory-like. Other information you'd like to include: See Gloomwing

Name: Xandrei Model: Gnoll Warrior and Sahuagin Examine Description: Xandrei are from the lower caves and oceans of the Underdark. They were originally a slave colony of humans known as the Kylathrough. But a Yaun-Ti Lich experimented upon them.

By day the Xandrei would be barbaric Gnolls ravaging the islands around them. By night they would be raiders of the deep, Sahuagin. Xandrei struggle to retain their sanity and humanity but struggle with their new found instincts, and remain close to their caves on Kylathrough Island. Special Abilities: Extremely strong while still retaining good sneak and hide skills. Invisibility and mild resistaince to cold, posion, and disease. Loot: Leader will drop a special type of trident that shocks its oppents with mild electricity and injects posion. Other Information: Every day they should be a Gnoll, during the night their appearence should shift to that of a Sahuagin. Mages, Warriors, and cheiftains are all plausible designs. The change graphic should be like the lycans in Luskan in the NWN campagin. Not that of a shape-shifter.

Name of Monster: Su-monster Model/Appearance: Halfling with leonine helm and boney tail, textured with Bark skin. Examine Description: A monkey-like creature with grey-brown fur, extremely sharp claws, and needle-like teeth. Special Abilities: Good stealth, Freedom of movement, Psionic Mind Blast 1/d Special kinds of loot it might drop: Incidental/crude jewelry Other information you'd like to include: These creatures tend to attack from above as they excellent climbers. If the flying beholder spawn script is available/used it would look quite good. Source: Original MM

Awesome stuff guys. Expect some of these monsters to get added to the module over time.

Staring Death Name of Monster: Underdark Assassin Vine

Model/Appearance: Ochre Jelly with barksin effect on is the best thing I can think of. Examine Description: A subterranean version of the assassin vine grows near hot springs, volcanic vents, and other sources of thermal energy. These plants have thin, wiry stems and gray leaves shot through with silver, brown, and white veins so that they resemble mineral deposits. An assassin vine growing underground usually generates enough offal to support a thriving colony of mushrooms and other fungy which spring up around the plant and help conceal it. Special Abilities: Can cast entangle, able to entangle close creatures (as per tanglefoot bag) or death attack; to make it hard for creatures to run away from it. Special kinds of loot it might drop: Anything a previous adventurer could have when succumbing to it. Other information you'd like to include: It can't move, must be hidden, blindsight Source: Monster Manual

I've seen the animation (static) of entangle used to represent plant creatures on other non-hakpack servers, not sure if you could apply the barkskin to a spell effect model though.

Creature: Darkmantle

As for my creature the darkmantle it's a small one for lower levels.

This is a 3.5 creature so might not be appropriate Time-graph wise for the realms. The model selection is the hard one, but some flying creature with shadow shield on it would be appropriate for the model. Possibly a wraith ,psuedodragon or possibly a gargoyle.

info is here: http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/darkmantle.htm

Creature: Roper

There may already be ropers in the module.

Model: I see them as a stoneskinned unmoving (but still animating) xorn model

One of the wild magic effects throws out chain/rope like effects onto things which would be perfect (if you could get it to fire) for it's attacks.

3.5 edition data on the roper is here:


In addition to ropers, the xorn model with barkskin applied is perfect for the otyugh as well.


We have a xorn model? What's a xorn?

Xorn, Monster Manual p. 260. I think the CEP may feature a model but don't quote me on it.

Yup yup, CEP has a Xorn.

My mistake, yeah CEP has the xorn been playing on CEP servers too long (hangs head in shame)

You could use a non-animating model of a bebelith, it's spines when wood covered look like thorns. (for the roper) You can also use barkskin on a very slowed troll or ettercap to simulate the body of the roper.

Also you could use ghostly visage,shadowshield, barkskin or stoneskin on the various ooze models (grey or ochre) to simulate some other types of ooze and jellies, crystal ooze for example (with ghostly visage)

You could also possibly use the barkskinned bebilith model for an ankheg.

Another model which doesnt get used much which would be nice is the GREY RENDER model. Barkskin that and put a green light around it, Slow it's movement right down and it would make the perfect SHAMBLING MOUND. http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/shamblingMound.htm

You can also make use of the shadowshield on a bulette to make a nightcrawler for the really big scary things :) http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/nightshade.htm

In fact all the nightshades could be done though they're very high level so they would need balancing down for the server (most players level 4-9) A shadowshielded GIANT (any type) or shadowshielded grey render for the nightwalker. A shadowshielded demonflesh golem would make a good nightwing.

Im totaly happy being killed by whats there