Noble dwarves,
Our fight with the drow comes closer to inevitability. The city council of Sanctuary still argues the best response. My cousin Councilor Gregor Toboerski and I have agreed that a single leadership is necessary to organize our reaction to the threat.
A proposal goes before the Council now. It will be an honor to our cause if your Thane lets the Council know of his support, especially if this support can help Councilor Gaiden make a necessary choice. I understand that many of your stouts will follow him as a War Leader, and this may be a chance for him to shine. If for some reason Gaiden chose not to serve, I ask that you consider Gregor Toboerski as he is an experienced leader in traditional and guerilla warfare.
The ideas I presented to your kin earlier on how to respond to the drow, were indeed his own. I would never take credit for such brilliance. Yet without strong leadership immediately, no one will be left in Sanctuary to take credit for anything.
In regards,
Scion Dungal Toboerski
"Let it be known that the city of Sanctuary is ruled by the elected Council for these 151 years. As slaves, strong leaders were discouraged as they became targets for the drow to kill. Only a council was safe, but this form of government can not respond quickly to emergencies. This emergency power act will dictate a method of handling immediate crisises that affect the city.1). Sole power of decision making shall be appointed in a single individual as War Leader, determined by the Council's majority vote, as the agent most capable of handling and organizing a response.
2). All city agencies will report directly to this War Leader through their current leadership. The Council will be apprised of these reports should the War Leader not already sit upon the Council.
3). The War Leader will resign his position when the threat is contained by his judgement. The Council may also revoke his position by a majority decision.
4). Any crime committed during a period of "War Leadership" shall be remited the highest possible penalties to be judged by the War Leader or held for judgement until the crisis is abatted.
5). War Leaders shall be exempt from punishment for any actions justified by the threat the city faces, all effort goes to the War Leader to ensure the city survives at any cost.
6). The Spellguard during times of "War Leadership" is exempt from any civil regulations on how magic is used.
7). The War Leader shall have access to the treasury in full, the Council has 8 hours to vote an objection to any use of the treasury's funds.
8 ). Any regulations put forth by the War Leader shall expire at the termination of his Leadership, barring a vote by the Council to expand them permanently."