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Scribe Wanted

Capable scribe wanted to take notes and run messages for the Watch. Must have full knowledge of the laws and be able to assist in writing up legal documents.

Sergeant Marshall

*a note has been pinned in a corner of the letter*

- I have decided to grant my writing skills to the Watch, please leave a letter for me at Rock Bottom if the position still applies.

-Sharo Delmarn,

A small note pinned to the side of the notice


I humbly offer my skills and service to the Watch as a scribe. Please leave word for me with Spencer if you need to meet or further discuss this through correspondence.

Best regards,

*signed* Seton Sopael Student of Transmutation

Agent Strife notices one of the responses by the original notice and proceeds to add one of his own.

Mister Sopael, please come to the Spellguard Tower when I am available.

- Agent Strife