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Avoun's End

I finally remembered the screenshot button! This moment was too cool for me not to share, so here it is.

After a fairly epic duel, Kaer Avoun, the cleric of Bane, met his end. Rather than beg for his life, he ended up choosing death, and this was his reward:

Contemplating his seemingly bleak new existence, an avatar appears:

The avatar then opens a spiffy portal to the second tier of the hells:

Chattin' just in front of his new throne!

His new task is ordained:

Beating up on kids is as great as it sounds:

Doing it with a huge Banite morningstar only adds to the enjoyment:

Well, all I can say is that this was a totally unexpected end, which made it all the more awesome.

I think it a great showing of how much work the DMs put into the game to make it fun for us players. Despite it being such a hard job to do, whenever they have a spare moment you can be sure they'll put it to use to help us out.

Stuff like this, for me, is what elevates EfU above any other server or mutiplayer experience. Once again, big thanks to the DM team, it meant alot, and the ending rocked hard.

Praetorius should have made a cameo appearance.

You rock, MC.

- Kia

Again well done DM's

I hope Chell gets a similar send off from Torm when his time is up 8)

Looks like fun all round!!


Think of the children! That poor little girl!

You evil bitch!

thats really really cool i like that alot lol i wonder what if any sort of send off Reonie might get should she die especially since she is so unsure of religion... i can see it now she dies and gets stuck in the fugue plane lol meh who knows she loves the ocean she may find a deity in the black lake to follow

