Dear Scion Dungal Toboerski,
I saw your notice. It sounds like you've created quite the formidable defenses.
Few questions.
First, is this trial you propose, lethal?
Second, would you allow a witness to come to ensure my scorched carcass is dragged out, if I fail?
Third, is your house, warded? This leads into my fourth question.
Fourth, have you considered that individuals besides classical theives may try to rob you? There is a certain amount of theft commited in this city by mages. It seems apropriate to allow mages to also attempt this little feat after all, a mage is not going to not rob you, simply because you do not wish them to. If you would allow, and your house is warded, and it is not lethal, I would like to attempt, I am a mage.
I can be contacted at the Rock Bottom.