2006-08-02 04:10:29 UTC
Greetings Mercenary Amolef,
It has come to my attention that you are attempting to sell necromantic items to people within Sanctuary.
In case you were not aware the using and selling of such items within Sanctuary is illegal. I am sure that this was just an oversight and that you will see the Staff in question correctly disposed of.
Please write back to me care of the House of Light to let me know that this has been received and the item destroyed or we can meet in person to discuss the matter - this will save me having to write formal reports to the Watch and to the Captain.
Gods keep you safe,
Chell Kantalith
Administrator - House of Light
2006-08-02 05:02:04 UTC
I apologize however after further consultation of the files on hand and looking up a recent speach(( )) which ushered in the new law, it appears only the act of raising the dead, is a crime.
I do not practice or study necromancy magic, it is not my forte. However I do occasionally come across such items when I do freelance work and I either have the choice of selling them to people who would offer me the most coin, or to goodly clergy for a much lesser price. I usually choose to sell them to the goodly clergy. Kara seemed pretty happy when I offered to sell it to her for what is probably one fourth to one fifth of its actual value.
If I am in error as to the status of the law, please correct me.
If not however.... I either have the choice of selling dangerous necromantic items to anyone who would pay top coin, or for a significantly smaller amount, sell them to goodly clergy as has been my practice, presumably so they can destroy them. Really, which choice do you prefer?
I have actually been trying to get in touch with you though, about something which could be beneficial to both lower sanctuary and the entire city-if we could meet to talk, that would be good.
2006-08-02 05:11:48 UTC
Greetings Amolef,
Thank you for your prompt response. I shall procced to escalte this issue as it requires and ensure clarifications are enacted in law.
For the record no Clergy of the House of Light will purchase such items as these funds are required for the charitable work of the House. If you are truly concerned with how this items are used then you would destroy them rather than seeking a profit from them.
Unlike other institutions in Sanctuary the House receives no funding except from donations from people that wish to see the good work of the House continue.
Gods smile on you,
Chell Kantalith
Administrator - House of Light
2006-08-02 05:43:12 UTC
Escalate the issue? I wanted to meet with you, to talk. I have not done anything illegal and had been trying to bring good will, and such. I still wish to meet with you to talk. If you want to bring this issue up with the council, well thats your choice, if you want to sit down and talk however and hear what I have to say, that could also happen.
As far as I am aware no demon owns my soul and I am pretty sure every paladin who walks by checks my soul to see if it is squeaky enough, none have commented I am condemed to burn yet. Please don't write me off as a sinner and evil doer whose goal in life is to spread sin and anguish, I promise I am not, really.
You know what, i'm a Tigereye and I walk around this city at all hours of the day and night alone, putting myself at risk for what is not all that much pay. I start and end each and every one of my patrols in front of the house of light.
If you want to play petty politics instead of putting the good of the city first, you can do that. If you want to sit down and talk to me, we can do that too.
I'm trying to be a nice guy, you can either sit down and have a friendly chat with me, or you can write me off as some sort of evil sinner and run to the council about something which is not a crime. A wise man once said to me "Are you so certain of your wisdom and the utter infallability of your position that you will judge the value of what I wish to say before I even say it?" That man was a paladin of Torm. I put the same question to you.
2006-08-02 06:12:48 UTC
Greetings Amolef,
I am happy to meet with you and to talk at any time about this or any issue particularly with regards to security in the environs around the House of Light.
Please do not mistake my last missive as anything personal against yourself or the organisation you work for.
The escalation is to bring to the Council's attention that there is a glaring hole in the laws enacted around Necromancy and to clear this issue up we need to look at ensuring the purchasing, possesing or selling of any items that carry out necromantic functions is made illegal and that these items are immediately open to being confiscated and destroyed.
Once this has been enacted it will prevent the misunderstandings that have occured and the stalwart defenders of Sanctuary such as yourselves will be required to destroy all such items out of hand ensuring that they can never be used for any purpose. this will also free up any coin that may otherwise have been spent by the Goodly Clerics can be used to Support food and clothing programs for those down on their luck.
I thank you for bringing this to my attention so it can be cleared up in the shortest possible time. I look forward to meeting with you.
Kind Regards,
Chell Kantalith
Administrator - House of Light
2006-08-02 13:55:06 UTC
When you said escalation I assumed you meant that you were going to try to have me arrested. I am glad I misunderstood your intention.
It had been my original intention, when Kara acquired the gold to give the staff to her free of charge as a token of good will, to show the sincerity of the program I wished to propose. Once you sent the first letter, that seemed impossible because if I simply gave it away then, my offer would seem insincere and most definitely be rejected. Well since it is impossible now to make the program proposal in the way I originally intended and give the staff as part of it, I may as well say the truth since I am told that clergy of the Triad can detect lies and liars.
I do actually wish you success in changing the law if you are able to, necromancy is pretty vile stuff and I would be glad if it disappeared from the city. I am skeptical however that the council will change its position, there are at least two active necromancers in the spellguard though I do not know if they animate.
In any event, I would like to meet with you as soon as possible so we can talk, when will you next be available?
((Available any time this evening? Say the time in EST and I’ll be there))
2006-08-03 00:58:02 UTC
//OOC - My playing times are 11:00 GMT - 16:00 GMT on week nights and variable on weekends - let me know if you can get on during these times if not we will see if we can hook up on the weekend.
2006-08-03 01:51:25 UTC