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Remember Mandarin?

I was curious how many people have a character who tended to listen to Mandarin's words/sermons/bizarre theories and believed them who currently has a PC sitting in the Fugue?

I can think of people like:

Labrea's druid (I entirely forget the name), Zerelde, Bug etc.

Even people who were just inclined to listen to him occasionally count, I've got a real specific and curious reason for asking. :)

I stalked him... 3 times. That count?

Dal thought Mandarin's summary on Dunwarren's fall was great :)

But aside from Mandarin's (apparent) pro-surface speeches and such, he wasn't sure what to make of him in light of all the slime-talk.

Finch Gambkar did!

Kor'rsus listened to a few of his rants..if only in passing. I never really heard enough to give you a solid yes, but he did have some interesting theories XD

Zan liked him but he's trapped in the spellguard tower!

Edit: Oh wait I read wrong, hmm let me think...I don't know I can't quite remember!

I think the only thing mordur was ever on hand for was the memorial service at the Comely.

William Brandy qualifies as a fugue-ified believer. Why, are you planning to hold services there? :D

LO - seems like if you do hold the service there the morgue is goign to be suddenly over flowing with corpses

Sabaron William Brandy qualifies as a fugue-ified believer. Why, are you planning to hold services there? :D

Essentially. I was curious who might show up.

Talcum Krackindor enjoyed listening to Mandarin's speeches when he cought them, though he was a firm follower of Shargaas. He probably would have been a willing lacky if we played at the same times. He mostly admired the fear and dread Mandarin commanded and the choas he could potentially bring his constituents.

Ivandur felt he was a lunatic with a small degree of truth behind his words. I'd encourage a sermon, make sure I'm around ;)

I'd like to do a sermon, especially with some of the old Alpha characters that remember Mandarin especially. Maybe Saturday sometime.

If you're interested in it, jot down your playing time and we'll work something else. It'll be a Fugue party! I guarentee it'll be fun.

Iryan Ubel will show. Though they never officially 'met', I expect they would know each other in passing due to Iryan's upbringing.

- Kia

Wesh is there.

I could be around saturday evening/night, not sure about sunday. I do go out on weekends now!

At this point, I'm aiming for Saturday at 6 PM EST.

That should hopefully work, let me know if you can make it.

Frelt'll be there

Maybe I'll drag Rilo out for that.

I should be able to make that, but an hour or two earlier might be better. Regardless, I'll try to be there.

Bug will be there ( If im online )

Zerelde is already there deriding Mandarin.

Snazral was at mandarins trial and found him vaguely interesting/ thought he was insane so he'll be there!

Sorry all, may push this back an hour. 7 EST.

I'll not be there.

Thanks to those who made it to this.