2006-07-31 03:59:54 UTC
[Posted in upper and Lower]
Information regardings the whereabouts of Priestess Mylin of the House of Light is urgently sought after.
Monetary rewards are available for useful information.
Contact Chell Kantalith at the House of Light either in person or by letter.
2006-07-31 04:18:33 UTC
((OOC: It's my understanding Mylin's player is having computer issues and will be back around sometime soon. That said, it may still be played as her disappearing again, but keep in mind it's sort of an OOC issue.))
2006-07-31 04:34:50 UTC
((OOC: Understood but as there have been no responses to any of the forum missives lef tint eh HOL etc and a total loss of contact we have to start RPing it. - Cheers))