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*Letter to the council*

*with elegant letters*


I have heard that I could get some information and maybe even files about the dunwarren ruins section. I'm mostly interested to find answer to these questions: Who lives there (if any), who owns the land there and how many and what kind of creatures lurk there.

If I could get answers to the questions, I'm sure that it would most likely help sanctuary's wealth and health in future.

My thanks for your efforts.

Lord Alexander Fitzwald.

*the copy of the previous letter is added* I do not know how long it takes for you to receive my first letter or how long it takes until you have time to read that. Also, I can not be sure if the letter really found your postbox and in the fear of that I have decided to send another one.

You can send any answers and files to the rock bottom in for me.

Lord Alexander Fitzwald.