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Deities and Outdated Domains

Seems a number of deities whose actual domains have been inaccesible until recently are still stuck with the original NWN domains. Ibrandul, for instance, won't work with Cavern, Darkness, or Reptillian, but works with Earth, Strength, and Protection.

This should probably be changed, no?

I thought that I updated all of those! Curses!

Well, if indeed it is changed, updating the entries in the deity section might not be such a bad idea. ;)

Most likely it's the documentation that is lagging. Documentation takes away from coding and DMing time.

True, but Ibrandul is in fact not supporting the new (and correct!) domains. It's possible he's the only one.

Getting Ibrandul fixed would be great, yes. :)

Just catch a DM IG and we can fix it for your specific character immediately.

Ibrandul will now recognize Cavern and Darkness.

I think the issue is that I don't have a list of the correct domains for the dead and monster deities. Can somebody remedy this situation?

Here's a list of all the dead/monster deities listed in the Faiths of Faerûn section.

Dead Deities
Amaunator:           Law, Nobility, Planning, Sun, Time.
Bhaal:               Death, Destruction, Evil, Retribution.
Ibrandul:            Cavern, Darkness, Scalykind, Travel.
Moander:             Corruption, Destruction, Evil, Slime.
Myrkul:              Death, Evil, Suffering, Undeath.

Monster deities Annam: Knowledge, Magic, Plant, Rune, Sun. Baphomet: Animal, Chaos, Evil, Hatred, Retribution. Blipdoolpoolp: Blackwater, Destruction, Evil, Water. Diirinka: Chaos, Destruction, Dream, Dwarf, Evil, Suffering, Trickery. Great Mother: Chaos, Death, Evil, Hatred, Strength. Grolantor: Chaos, Death, Earth, Evil, Hatred. Hiatea: Animal, Good, Family, Moon, Plant, Sun. Hlal: Chaos, Dragon, Good, Trickery, Rune. Hruggek: Chaos, Evil, Trickery, War. Iallanis: Good, Healing, Strength, Sun. Ilsensine: Evil, Law, Knowledge, Magic, Mentalism, Mind, Slime, Tyranny. Kurtulmak: Earth, Evil, Hatred, Law, Scalykind, War. Laogzed: Chaos, Death, Destruction, Slime. Maglubiyet: Destruction, Evil, Planning, Trickery. Memnor: Death, Evil, Knowledge, Mentalism, Rune, Trickery. Null: Death, Dragon, Fate, Knowledge, Law. Orcus: Chaos, Death, Evil, Undeath. Pazrael: Air, Chaos, Charm, Demonic, Evil. Sekolah: Blackwater, Evil, Law, Ocean, Strength, Tyranny, War. Skoraeus Stonebones: Cavern, Earth, Healing, Knowledge, Protection. Stronmaus: Chaos, Good, Protection, Storm. Surtr: Evil, Fire, Trickery, War. Task: Chaos, Dragon, Evil, Planning. Thrym: Destruction, Evil, Magic, War. Vaprak: Chaos, Destruction, Evil, War.

We are in the process of assigning new domains to the dead and monstrous deities listed above by Snoteye. Once this project is complete, any changes will be noted in Faiths of Fauren for each respective deity.

As noted above, if you have a problem with Ilbrandul specifically, please let us know.

Blipdoolpoolp....that a god? man whoever came up with must of been drunk

just a quick question to stay on topic:

Shargaas has darkness in his portfolio, but not the 'domain' darkness. is that correct?

Chaos, Darkness, Evil, Orc and Trickery are Shargaas's domains according to F&P.

Thomas_Not_very_wise Blipdoolpoolp....that a god? man whoever came up with must of been drunk

Yeah it's the god of the EVUL fishpeople (kuo-toans) hence the watery bubbly sound. It's the sound of a human sucking blood through their chest wound after being impaled by a trident or harpoon from a kuo-toan.