That comes with HL2:Ep2 doesn't it? along with the new team fortress?
Getting that.
I just had an Eschergasm.
What game is that from? It looked kinda cool.
Oh my God.
That's just...
I'm so getting that!
Oh........ Gimmiegimmiegimmiegimmiegimmiegimmiegimmie!!! :)
I want to have it's child.
Thats pretty cool
I don't think it's so much actually a game as it is a Tech-demo. Probably wrong though. Looks very cool. :D
Definitely a mix of the two, but I think they're moving towards something that makes people consider their 3D space.
thats definately on my wish list!
If they can make that into a multiplayer FPS, I want it so badly I'll sell my brother's organs for it!
Beam me up, Scotty.