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Here are a series of screenshots showing Teredrift's end.

Having killed kyle and extracted his heart for her dark purposes, Teredrift prepares to leave.

Shortly after, she returns alone to burn the corpse.

Reunited !

Deceived !

Blood circles

Falling into the trap (or rather walking into).

True nature...

Teredrift's end...

I would really like to thank everyone who has contributed to this small personal plot, and Howland for such a spectacular end.

wow amazing... i hope frubo doesn't have to die like that :shock:

No screenshots of her torture? Awwww!

Well played Aekula. :D

Great stuff. :D

I want more screenies of the cyber.

Hah! Lovely ending!

Now Susanna never gets to beat up Kyle again :cry:

Great ending though!

That was really cool - to both you and Howland for te ending - great way to end a memorable character.

Cheers Nestek


Wow.... nice way to go out!


WoW........ Aek, that's some awesome stuff.

Inquisitor I want more screenies of the cyber.

Likewise Inq.

Great screens. Grim deliverance.

That's a blast.... :shock:

But at least Najara doesn't have to avenge Kyle's death personally. :)

Well, there goes my whole "I will get the person who tricked me" revenge plot idea

Shame she had to go, she was a good character, nice way to to end it though.