A event is coming as spokes upon the wheel must move foward I require myself more spokes.
Wisdom is knowing oneself and intelligence is knowing others. I seek two intelligent individuals in the ways of reading people and chance.
A time for rest and a time for being in vigirous. I require one individual who knows the way fo peoples spirts and can lift them. Bard, storyteller, singer, whatever you wish to call yourself.
Last is first and the first is last, and therefore no less important in a circle. I need one individual who knows his way around spirits, drinks, ale and the like.
To repeat myself in simple numbers
2-Intelligent Individuals 1-Bard/Storyteller/Singer 1-Barkeep/Bartender/Local Drunk
Should you seek such employment for the event your skill shall be put to the test. Should you pass the test you will be paid one hundred gold and told of the event regardless of if you come or not. Should you come we shall negoiate your price.
True straightness seems crooked. True Wisdom seems foolish. You shall find me on the path between. Seek the man in a well attired pattern called Bask.