2006-07-23 01:17:29 UTC
Hi all
Im new to the server and I have just read a suggestion for the possibilty of the vampire class. The +8 adjustment is too much I think if the max level is around 10.
However I have read a rather cool D & D sourcebook and perhaps it could be possible to incorporate half vampires. I think they have about a +2 adjustment which is not as large as +8 and have a huge amout of RP hooks and could be quite fun. Im not sure is its possible to do this mechanics wise but thought I would add my two cents, as I love some RP.
2006-07-23 01:22:35 UTC
Half vampires are a wretched idea.
You shouldn't be 'half undead' and I want to throttle the writer at DnD or WotC or White Wolf who first came up with the concept of being only 'half undead'.
On the other hand, I've already done a script that changes all the spells that should effect undead differently to affect PC undead including turning.
There is a hang up on this system though.
1). You can't use Harm/Inflict spells on yourself.
Short of a work around for this, which may not be that hard no PC undead system is entirely working.
2). Items that specifically target undead say with a +2 enhancement versus undead currently don't actually have that effect against them.
I think Arkov is working on a system to fix this for lycanthropes, so if he comes up with one for that I suppose he could use it for this.
There is something to be said for the idea of just weakening a vampire PCs abilities so that their CRs aren't quite as high. The book Savage Species has some very good ideas for accomplishing just this in fact.
2006-07-23 21:41:02 UTC
Some form of low-powered intelligent undead has potential use that I could see.
2006-07-23 22:12:01 UTC
....and don't forget that roughly 1/4th of the mages on the server are trying to become liches!
2006-07-24 00:47:54 UTC
The original system I had made up was for revenents. Which were essentially vanilla undead with nothing but the undead immunities. If I'd ever worked out the solution to Heal/Harm spells to make them work properly I'd have probably betatested it fully.
Honestly, I think I could so something where a Heal spell can check 1) is caster friendly to target or is caster self then cast Heal with Harm effects or 2) is caster hostile to target then cast heal with heal effects against the undead. Essentially the easiest solution and would only involve a few more spell changes.
The entire "undead" script is in fact just one easy include file and a few minor line changes to some spells already.
Even a vampire system where the vampire has a "bite" attack that does CON damage or casts vampiric touch on a successful hit and the character got a few stat bonuses would probably fall into the CR 3 or 4 range (high but not too overwhelming) especially if the vampire was set up so it HAD to feed or take CON damage.
The only trick I never solved with vampires and liches was how to handle the phylactery/coffin thing so the character still had the benefit of 'near immortality' without the draw back of any Joe Schmoe walking up and busting their repository.
The rest would be easy here using a skin based subrace system.
2006-07-24 02:01:16 UTC
Personaly from experiance vampires and most other Undead especialy the vampire boost PvP to much, i've been on server were vampires were just o out of control. I'm just thankful enough I at least can applie for Duergar, Drow, or Svirfneblin 8)