*Dropped off by a paid courier.*
Again, my apologies for mistaking you for a man.
I'd like to extend my sincere thanks to you for attempting to rob me of my information twice. It has now been shared with my master, who is quite upset at your violence.
I don't want you hating me though, hate is a stink worse than shit that nothing grows out of but death. Death I'm sure you know, I could have killed you when you laid bleeding at my feet and taken more than what your mercenaries had stolen from me earlier--I showed restraint. I ask the same of you.
If you want the information I have, and I have much more than a simple note. Tell me what its worth, and I'll tell you what the note says and most importantly what it really means.
Don't come after me again. I won't have what you're looking for on me, and there are some who will note my disappearance with disproval--especially the gods who know I let you live when I had no reason to.
Mandarin Dreagle
***After dictating the entire letter as his dead wife spoke it to him, he sighs and tells her he's sleeping on the floor tonight and to stop causing trouble for him."**