Goodman Lathae,
I will not waste your time with pleasantries as you seem like the man whom values time. I seek admittance into the society, to purge those that would do the people of Sanctuary harm, to free those which they oppress and to serve swift and befitting justice to their allies and ilk. I have spoke with Limli about this for some length, and he suggested that I allow myself to be interviewed by all members. I currently reside at the Rock Bottom, and will make myself available when you have the time for the discussion.
-Jordyn Just Knight of the True
P.S. As your other member is elven, and I am horrible with their names, would you please deliver this enclosed letter to her. My many thanks.
Please forgive the informal nature of this letter, your comrade, Limli, provided me with your name, yet I seem to be rather rusty with my elven. Rather then insult you by misspelling your name so horribly, I placed this letter with Goodman Lathae.
I seek admittance into your most righteous order, to raise my sword in battle against those creatures that seek to enslave all save their own kind. I was held prisoner, body and mind, by the vile illithads for some twenty years, and it was by the grace of the True alone that I was afforded the chance to escape. I now wish to aid the defense of the city that I call home, there is no organization that provides the service like the Society, their tireless crusade is one without compair within the confines of this fair city. I offer my blade, my blood, my heart, and my soul to this effort. I shall devote the rest of my life to ensuring that the people of Sanctuary remain free, and will strive to do so with honor befitting a knight of Torm.
I am currently staying at the Rock Bottom, and have discussed joining your order with Limli, but he has suggest that I speak with both you and Lathae as well.
-Jordyn Just Knight of the True