2006-07-14 16:45:27 UTC
Getting new players to try out, enjoy, and stay with EfU is very important to us. Even Hardcore players burn out or move on, so being able to pick up new players helps replace those losses and build up the player base. EFU has been lucky to get a lot of great players, so we know a lot of people enjoy the server and decide to stay. However, we are always looking for ways to improve as well.
I'm sure everyone has seen Howland's post in suggestions ( looking for ways to improve things for new players. Feedback is very welcome there.
However, I'd also like to talk a bit about a side thing I've been doing for a little bit. For a while now, I've been spending some time creating new accounts, and then making new characters under those accounts. I've really tried to see what the "newbie" experience is like. Through that, I discovered some players I may not have, and have seen a number of people RP with my new character, not worrying about if it is someone they know. I've had people try to recruit me in a cult, take me under their wing and show me around the city, threaten me, and other interactions. This is highly encouraged, as it gets the new character involved and immersed immediately.
Some of the best "loot" I've given out has been a result of these sessions. I take some notes on who is interacting with new players extensively. I use these notes when deciding on custom gear I'm making, and I add gear specially tailored to the people who made an impression when I was in as a player. I've also rewarded people who I've seen interact with new players while I am on as a DM.
The reason I'm going public with this is to let everyone know how important new players are to the continuance of the server, and to let you all know that we as DM's do reward people for making the game a good experience for these players. Hopefully you will keep that in your minds next time you are in game.
2006-07-14 19:36:11 UTC
If you're any of the four new players I asked to join the knighthood who disappeared--I'll slap you both.
The other really funny thing that will happen eventually, you'll see a new player who absolutely knocks your socks off. You're happy and a little tingly such a great player has shown up on the server, later you realize he's one of your other DMs.
Happened to me all the time on Arabel. It was 90% of the time Redshift, and the other 10% Santista. Always under a different secret handle, probably happened over 20 times.
2006-07-18 00:58:32 UTC
This is really cool,
I am a big advocate of introducing new characters and Rping with them keeping a couple of characters in the wings that can take new peopel through quests and show them around town - also just taking the time to RP with new players can be a lot of fun!!
Ask other older players to take on the challenge as well to help really build the player bas on EFu and keep it alive and vibrant.
2006-07-18 10:23:04 UTC
I love the moments when DM's throw you 250 xp for helping new players. Please, keep it coming. >_>
2006-07-18 13:30:42 UTC
More like keep the help for the new players coming.
On a side note, I sometimes feel bad when my characters get wrapped up in something that a newbie can't participate in.
For example, several players were RPing something that happened to rope in the ettercaps quest....sadly, the level 3 player that was new to the server couldn't come along.....
I logged in as another character that was closer to his level and started up a conversation with him. OOC the person felt bad, but I told him that sometimes things like that happen, but not to be discouraged.
I genuinely felt bad for him since I was dead tired and had to go to sleep and thus couldn't team with him.
But I would also suggest, that when your orienting the newbs, make sure you try and get them on a quest with you or someone that you trust so that they don't felt left out like I know this guy did.
2006-07-18 17:46:15 UTC
djspectreBut I would also suggest, that when your orienting the newbs, make sure you try and get them on a quest with you or someone that you trust so that they don't felt left out like I know this guy did.
Please don't take this as complaining. It's a personal observation and opinion only. As such it may very well be wrong.
Sadly this happens too often as I've seen. Of course some times it's unavoidable like on scripted quests. But other times I seriously question if a reason for not being allowed to go with a group to do x,y or z is really an IC motivation. Sometimes a reason just seems too convenient to be IC.
DM quest: I've been ignored by other players so many times when it counted that I hardly even bother anymore. Maybe it was IC maybe it wasn't. I think it's about 50-50 so far in my judgement.
As far as DMs go I haven't had any problem. For the most part they are available to answer questions etc. Other than always dying on DM quests I have no issues. Well dying is a problem but that just might be me! :)
There are just as many solid, mature players out there as those who are not. I'd like to see it swing more to 80/20 though. Someone told me the majority of players here are between 16-23 years old which tells me that there are quite a few young players who are good at RP and quite a few who should go someplace else IMO.
BUT.. EFU is as good as good gets and that's saying alot.
2006-07-18 23:20:11 UTC
My 2 copper pieces:
If I see a new account login and a new face and I'm in the immediate vicinity of the newbie, I always try to help out and I do it because it's the polite and -right- thing to do.
It's extremely daunting to dive into a new server as a new player and as we all know, not everyone will take the time to read the various boards and messages that abound here for new players.
I believe that being there to assist new players is fundimental to keeping the server alive and I've been fortunate to come across a couple of people that have given me great role playing experiences.
If you are a higher level than the new player and can't quest with them, run them through all the basic quests. This will give them gold and you an opportunity to explain how things work in sanctuary both IC & OOC. Also, try and match them up with people of their level/persuasion/interest if you can. This could be a little difficult if lets say your a banite and you've run into a newbie Tormtar but again, it'd present a great RP opportunity for you both. I myself wouldn't PvP [as I believe that would put most newbie's off] them but rather try to corrupt them to the glory of Bane etc :twisted:
As to rewards from DM's, I wasn't aware of that. It's nice you guys would do that but I think we should [as players] be doing the right thing anyway.
2006-07-19 01:55:17 UTC
There are just as many solid, mature players out there as those who are not. I'd like to see it swing more to 80/20 though. Someone told me the majority of players here are between 16-23 years old which tells me that there are quite a few young players who are good at RP and quite a few who should go someplace else IMO.
I'd disagree here. I think there are -alot- more solid, mature RPers than those who arent on this server. Sure, there are always going to be a few new guys to the scene, and a small detachment of cheaters/greifers. But, on the whole, this server and its commited, active playerbase are very mature. And age? It's not indicative of anything, really. Especially when the person who informed you of the server average ultimately had no idea.
As for closing in the level differences and involving new guys, I usually do something realtively simple: hire or coerce them to do things for you! Nothing immerses a new guy on the server more than giving him a role in your plot. You could hire for spying, information gathering, assasinations, personal bodyguard, personal assistant...whatever. I know that my first PC on EfU was hired to do some spying, and thats what really got me hooked to the server.
2006-07-19 22:53:00 UTC
Good point about age Mad. I think those are really good things that you are doing for new players. I have showed new characters around a bit myself and done a quest or three with them (since my character is still low level too). I'll have to think of some ways to hire them ingame. I like the idea.
We need more people like you Mad!