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callarduran smoothhands

This is very dull and possibly over pedantic, but I couldnt help noticing on a scan of the new deity feilds that Callarduran has lost his trickery domain, and has not recieved the new illusion domain. Is this a typo? If not I suggest that a god whose portfolio includes svirfneblin and whose followers include illusionists and svirfneblin recieve one of these fields at least. To quote F&P "The Deep Brother's clerics are teachers of magic, particularly that of the school of illusion, and work within their communities to spread such knowledge amoung all the deep gnomes" (page 134).

I have noticed a few inconsistencies on the updated Faiths of Faerun listings. If you've got a question of this type, I highly recommend making a quick test character to check whether the in-game deity verification scripts have the same issue as well -- I updated those and another DM updated the Faiths forum, so there may possibly be some inconsistencies that need to be worked out.

Er, ignore the above response. The specific issue here is that Callarduran Smoothhands is listed in Faiths & Pantheons as getting the domains "Cavern, Craft, Earth, Gnome" with no mention of Illusion. On the other hand, it seems to me that it makes a lot of sense for him to get Illusion. Hm!

I'll let our resident lore experts weigh in on whether or not it would make sense for him to get Illusion.

My vote is for him getting illusion.

In the gnome pantheon, only Baravar Cloakshadow, who specializes in deception, grants the illusion and trickery domains. Callarduran Smoothhands is primarily concerned with protecting svirfneblin in the Underdark and mining. His clerics do teach magic to their communities, but this is reflected in their ability to select the gnome domain.

The gnome domain, which all deities in this pantheon receive, is very similar to the illusion domain, but also includes other things held as important by gnomes, such as nature and gems. Both the gnome and illusion domains grant the power to cast all illusion spells at +1 caster level and offer a selection of illusion spells. However, the illusion domain offers only illusion spells and includes some offensive one’s, such as phantasmal killer and weird. The gnome domain offers more than just illusion spells, such as gembomb and summon nature’s ally, and does not include offensive illusion spells.

These differences are significant enough not to consider the gnome and illusion domains as one and the same. Additionally, clerics of all the deities in the gnome pantheon should have access to the ability to improve their use of illusions, not just one. Rather than giving clerics of Callarduran Smoothhands the ability to select the illusion domain, I recommend making changes to improve the gnome domain.