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Speech by Councilor Ward

[If asked, the citizens at the speech say it went something like this, with many last minute changes and direct addresses to raised concerns. Also, a copy of this exactly is hung on the board.] Welcome everyone, and thank you for coming. I am honored greatly tonight by two things- your support of government by listening and the very freedom to stand before you and speak these words.

And that last note –really- does show the true beauty of our city. We can stand here, free men and women. It’s a sobering comparison to the Dark outside those walls.

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. That, my friends, is the beauty of Sanctuary; civility in the face of hostility, prosperity from integrity.

It’s been four months now since I was placed into this endeavor, the politics of Sanctuary, joining the Council. And let me tell you, it’s been a long hard road. But you know what, we made it.

We beat the drow - we beat the spiders!

We beat the Dark, we beat every threat that has arisen and we will go on to remain the shining beacon in a world devoid of hope outside our walls! [raises his fist in victory]

It’s been four months. Four hard months of pro-active goals, hard work, and great achievements.

Economically, we’re on the edge of a –breakthrough-. The dwarven citizens are as we speak preparing to make the greatest harvest of material resources we’ve yet known!

Even with that, I have taken it upon myself to begin the chartering of a new marketplace to be set in the ashes of the Comely Inn. More information will be released about this project as the plans progress.

Together we have pressed onward with proactive goals as we further the initiative for communal progress.

Sanctuary is strong. Let's make it stronger.

Sanctuary is noble, let's make it nobler.

Sanctuary is home, and let us make it the best we can until we breathe our last.

I mentioned proactive goal setting. Here are some of those issues.

With the loss of the House of Light we’ve lost a mainstay of high-quality, low-to-no cost medical assistance to our citizens.

This is why, as my personal undertaking, I am working to finally establish the Steady Hand, the dream of the late humanitarian and hinitarian, Frudoc Maynare.

As councilor, I have pressed the initiative for thriftiness to work out the reductions in the cost of governing, all without reducing the numbers of the Watch, Watch pay, or any other government institutions.

We -need- our good guardsmen, and the Watch and the Spellguard deserve nothing less than our fullest support. They give their lives and spill their blood for our safety.

Also, let us not forget the Seekers, who have been doing an absolutely fantastic job, especially lately. I wish to publicly announce my gratitude for all their hard work.

Long live Sanctuary, bastion of freedom, haven of free men in a dark place.

- Genevis Ward