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Real Change This Election

Are you truly safe, secure, or happy?

You are a colony of escaped slaves, sitting--hiding in hostile territory forced to trade and engage in commerce with slave holding druegar, fearfully awaiting the day drow decend to the slaughter. You live in a city cursed, which consumed its former inhabitants leaving naught behind but the wererat menace called the Chosen which haunts your streets and brings to you the infection of your own people.

Some have sought escape from Sanctuary, and in 150 years every one of them has failed bringing nothing but danger and loss of life to your city. Few trust the watch is without corruption, none trust that the Tigereyes are without corruption. The city council itself is rife with intrigue, plots, and there is no wonder that many councilors are murdered every season.

Sanctuary has failed. An attempt to build on the history as escaped slaves fails you because you should be more than escaped slaves. The answer is a return to our traditions on the surface, there is danger there from orc menaces and Zhentarim raiders. Yet on the surface kingdoms remain strong!

The cause of your corruption, of your weakness is democracy itself! Voting forces your leaders to curry favor with the rich which brings corruption. Being forced to answer and explain all decisions to the people hampers your leader's ability to make hard decisions and call for sacrifices for the common cause.

This expirament was the result of conditions that made weak leadership necessary in the slave pits of Traensyr; but to rule a city without weakness requires a strong leader. I will not tell you to vote for anyone this election, rather I ask that you demand of any leaders you vote that there will be an end to future elections.

Demand a return to tradition, to stability, and an end to all corruption. Live as our ancestors did on the surface.

Reinstitute the aristocracy! Demand the next Council beseaches Mayor Bresley to put on the Crown that Charles Bresley unwisely put aside-- this election let a King step forward.

Those who will answer this cause shall seek out a representative of the Royalist Action Party. We can explain tell you which candidates truly wish to end corruption, reign in high taxes, and truly make Sanctuary as strong as any surface city-state and kingdom. We call upon any candidate that supports a return to the Crede of Siamorphe to contact us that our support will go to you as well--that we might finally undermine and slay the vile dragon of democracy which has so corrupted a once virtuous and noble foundation for freedom.

True Freedom, is Freedom from Choice!

Subscribe to our news letter by leaving a name and location you can be contacted. One of our spokesmen will be holding a speech tonight to explain more details and answer any questions.

We wish to thank those of you who listened to a speech about our goals and ideals following Councilor Ward's re-election statements.

As a reminder, RAP is seeking individuals who wish to further our goals and our policies on the Council by influence both those running and those sitting in the body. Petitions, letter writing, advertising, speech making and other talents can all be put to use to further our noble agenda.

Leave word below with your name and a location where you can be reached and one of our representatives will contact you.

Many of the posters in both upper and lower have a nine-barbed whip, the Holy Symbol of Loviatar, drawn on them with charcoal, rendering their message illegible.

Dungal asks around to see who was responsible, then uses a brighter ink that stands out against the charcoal rewrites the message and adds.

"Bringing pain to your foes!"