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Dozens of white placards placed about town

*with neat, gold script and a border of dozens of silver rings*

Friends of Gimball!.........................Friends of Akevitt!

Clan Stoutheart is inviting you to share in the sacred March of Remembrence to celebrate two of our fallen heroes. Founder Gimball Harrenhock made many friends with his kind smile and good soul. Hammer of Moradin Akevitt Anvilsmasher was a shining example of all that is good and just of the Dwarven Peoples.

We will possess their remains at the Mausoleum, proudly walk through the streets of town, and then have the Ceremony of Passing at the West Gate. This will symbolize that they were both Stouthearts and Citizens of Sanctuary as the location is between the town proper and our home in the Grunstubble Mines.

We will also be asking the Mother of our People, Berronar Truesilver if our fallen clansmen have further purpose to serve her and the Father, Moradin by returning to our world and their Clan. If it is their will, then we can all welcome them back with friendly faces and the goodwill of their friends and kinman.

The time of this blessed event will posted on a placard such as this, in these locations.

We are opening our traditions and rituals to all of their non-kin friends, and hope that you can join with us, rejoice in their memory, and lend your strength to our efforts.

Please send a letter to Faenor Stoneshield if you plan on attending the celebration.

*Tarnis spots one of these and shudders at the thought of the spider attack in which they fell*

*muttering* Hopefully, you'll come back though I know that Akevitt in particular will probably be pissed that spiders are what got him.

*Placards identical in style are placed just below the original*

Friends of Gimball and Akevitt,

We will be holding the rituals of the March of Remembrance and the Hero Revival on *something, at specified hour*

// this coming Sunday, GMT +2 (10pm EST in US).//

We ask that you gather outside the Mausoleum and follow us as we march around Upper Sanctuary, up the stairwell and out the West Gate. We then ask that you proceed up the incline, and move to the North towards the Grunstubble Mines and then to the East when you reach them.

The Hero Revival will be performed at the NW corner of the Wall, signifying the intersection between our two homes. This will actually be the combined rituals of both fallen heroes, as their sacrifices were made at the same time.

Clan Stoutheart hopes to see all of their friends and kinsman that are available to attend. Many of you have donated to this cause, and are welcome to share this blessed event with us.

// Due to complicated OOC reasons, this event will not take place and should not have even been initiated.

Please pretend as if there had never been any mention of it.

My apologies all.

*new placards are put up and the old removed.

Friends, the Rituals of the March of Remembrance and the Return of Heroes will now take place on // WED, 10 pm EST (GMT +2) //

There will be a sending, and those of you interested in greeting these two heroes should be prepared to receive them at the Arena. The Stoutheart Clan would like to ask that you respect our privacy during the actual return of our kin, who will undoubtably be weak and confused.

They will then proceed to the Arena and hopefully many of their friends will attend this joyful event.

*a quite chubby, balding dwarf with black moustache and beard is seen slowly removing the placards, ripping them apart, and placing them in his bag*

He is heard to exclaim, "I see now how important our presence and our very lives be to these humans now. Not a single one showed to welcome them back after me kin sacrificed themselves to save their skinny arses......." He also makes other similar comments as he removes the placards from both upper and lower Sanctuary.

*after he retrives the last one near Norma's stall, he rips it up and places it and the other pieces in the trash barrel. He then walks over the stairs, out the gate, and into the Grunstubble Mines, muttering to himself all the while*