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Letter for Operative Delgado left at the Enclave

25th of Ches, 1373DR

Operative Delgado,

More than a month ago, I expressed my desire to join the Spellguard Associates program to Captain Balesmaan. We met up almost a ride later and discussed in the grotto below the Rock Bottom Tavern, where he told me that he would speak to you about the matter. In spite of his promise of getting back to me when he had inquired with you, he has not done so. In fact, even though I have sent an additional letter to the Captain 6 days ago, I have been completely unable to get ahold of him.

I am teribly sorry for this lack of response as it means I am now forced to go directly to you, and I am sure you have far more important things to tend to than such trifle matters as my wanting to join a faction that, honestly, seems more dead than the larva I accidentally freed from its burden of life earlier this day.

If for reasons unknown you should have failed to grasp the message in my letter by now - not that I would ever think that - here it is in plain text: I am still very keen on joining the Associates program and would greatly appreciate if you could find the time to interview me, as I suspect this is what you will want to do. Afterall, that is what Captain Balesmaan did.

Leave word with Mr Twist the Rock Bottom Tavern.

Aseir Greycastle.

Strife notices the unclaimed letter in the Spellguard inbox, and after noticing no seal, he stands motionless for more than five minutes, and then finally picks it up and takes it with him to the inner confines of the tower

Mister Greycastle,

Operative Delgado is highly unavailable due to extended research, however, this does not forfit your chance to join our esteemed Associates. At your earliest convinience, please find me at the Tower when I am available so we can discuss your future.

-Agent Strife