I am not a writer of fine words, nor am I going to bore you with long texts. I will write this straight and forward.
Most of you probably do not know me. Though I have lived in this town for many months, I have been away for some time. That I can tell of myself, that I know what being a slave is, I was born as one.
This town is a haven for us, and the way to the surface has not yet been found. That is why we must try to keep this town as a safe place for all those slaves that can break their shackles and find their way here.
The best way to do this is to work together. As hard it can be, thinking about the differences we have, but it is something we must all try. We all have the same enemies.
I know the law enforcement of this town, from inside, I used to be one of them, work in the Watch. With that knowledge I have better view how the law is handled here, and if chosen for the council I can work to improve the law and how it is carried out.
I am not promising miracles. I know they are scarce, and that a one person cannot do much. But even a small grain of sand has an effect, if used carefully.
Kayragh, one of you