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Letter to Gregor Toboerski (Time Sensitive)

Honored Cousin,

As you commanded of my Cousin, I have begun to establish a number of men willing to serve beneath your banner and at your calling. This knighthood will serve you honorably or I swear that I shall find my death slowly and painfully as befits a man unable to live up to your expectations or a shadow of your greatness such as I.

I only wish that you find my efforts worthy of some small praise and do not forget how deeply I still desire to come into my bloodright as you have done. Though I was not gifted with the strength of arm that you were blessed with at birth, or the great power you've gained since--it is my wish that you remember there are many kinds of strength and power though I've let you down in the past I know.

I wish to remind you again how hard I studied the techniques of fighting in Waterdeep, that I have slain rock lizards with my bare hands as you yourself once said only a real man can do. I know you disapprove, that I don't fight with the passion you do--but my strength is the cold power of my mind and still not incompatible with the passionate power of your strength.

Soon I will begin making moves to establish your knights as a force of authority within and without Sanctuary. We will launch our attack against the Chosen as you demand. Their heads will be placed on pikes to impress the people before the next elections, it will be fortuitous for them to see our strength against the Chosen so soon after a major assault by these rats so recently.

My only wish is that my efforts bring you some pride in your inferior cousin.

Indebtedly, Dungal

Gregor reads the letter twice, sipping from an ancient goblet filled with what appears to be red wine, before finally penning a short response.

Beloved Cousin,

I am aware of your efforts and pleased by them. We will discuss this matter further when it is time, but first you must prove yourself and your knights. Arrange a time when you and your knights can come together, I have a fine mission in mind. Word has reached me of a Chosen nursery, and I've put in for a good stock of rat poison. Let your knights slay the strong ones with their weapons and strength, but let them temper that strength with a good poisoning.

Arms and equipment await you and any you deem worthy of bearing them.


Honored Cousin;

A pity we speak so rarely in person, but I know our efforts keep us both very busy and your lifestyle of course makes speaking difficult at the best of times. Yet I extend to you congratulations on your recent electoral victory, distasteful as politics are you garnered a large number of votes based on your personal strength.

The knighthood progresses slowly, there are several aspirants and there shall be a ceremony held soon to initiate the first fully fledged member.

I am seeking to hire a bard to further highlight your personal character. I know you can't enjoy pandering, but the bard will hear the history of our ancestors and our family which is an honorable course. If there are particular family stories you wish to relate, please remind me of your favorites. ((OOC any history on the Toboerski family will be nice to have))

I have also been testing the security of the gold kept in the kennels. A recent 'thief' I hired hit upon the trick of opening the door and shutting it so the hounds couldn't rush him. The doors may need a catch to prevent that.

Most importantly though cousin, there is a drow invasion rumored. The drow have cut off all approaches to Fort Mur and past that to Traensyr. The rumors must be true, but the people know little.

Now is your chance cousin. I will introduce a call for a War Leader to be put in place with special war powers, to conduct, plan, and react to this threat. You will of course be my choice and the choice of all those I influence. Once you prove yourself as War Leader, our proposal to institute the peerage, even to put a crown on your head, can not help but find victory.

I may have a sharp mind, but my body and blood are not as blessed as yours. Let me guide you to this goal, and again I beseach you to bless me with the gifts you rightfully withhold until I prove myself.

Indebtedly, Dungal

**A copy is dropped off at Gregor's office as Dungal goes by on other business.** ((Just a bump cause know his feelings on these issues will make it a lot easier to 'speak' for him so to speak.))


I have considered the matter, and am prepared to accept the position of War Leader for the town. Your effort to persuade Sanctuary's citizens of the virtue of this idea is welcome.

Expect some ideas for your bard's content within a few days.

Lord Gregor Toboerski