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Respawn location and stat penalties

A tiresome dialog: Mark: "Gah I am so dead" *mark dies* Bryce: "*sighs* Cory, grab the body **Cory grabs the body and the party begins on their way back to town.** **A few moments later** Cory: "Um....the body just....disappeared...." Bryce : "how odd" **the party is slightly confused but continues back** **half way to the city, Mark runs up, naked** Mark: "hey" Cory: "didn't you...die?" Mark: "I don't know, I blacked out and woke up in the temple. Who has my stuff?" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

wouldn't be so bad, if it didn't happen all the time, hence I offer this alternative ((without DMs that is))

Mark: "gah! ARROWED!" *mark dies* Bryce: "Damn!" Cory: "I'll get his body and you get his things, we should take him to the temple." Bryce: "right" **Bryce begins to gather Mark's things, it takes a moment as some smaller objects, such as arrows have fallen loose from the bag** ((this is my view on death drops as just grabbing the pack would take only a second, and all items, including the arrows that are always left behind would be taken)) **Cory leans in to pick up the body, but just before lifting it up, Mark's eyes open and he glances side to side with an expression of shock** Cory: "Hells!" Bryce: "we thought you were done for!" Mark: "what happened?" Cory: "you were hit in the neck with an arrow *points the arrow now laying near him on the floor* it looks as if **insert deity name here** has spared you, I advise you offer a considerable amount of time in prayer, to show appreciation...but for now, let's get you back to town." **Cory helps Mark to stand and they head back to find an inn for much needed rest** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The idea here is a respawn option that allows one to respawn at their corpse. This way, instead of the body effectively being teleported to the temple, then raised, It would simply appear as life rushing back into the body, like in a normal raise.

I haven't had to respawn on the server yet so I don't know the way the dialog goes but all it would take is one extra line to the effect of "You may choose to simply return to your body, or I may send you to a safe place were you will have time to regain your strength."

I fully understand that players being able to respawn in a quest may allow the players an edge, but this may be countered through penalties to stats. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A body has been lifeless while, upon one returning to it, it is perfectly understandable that they would not be combat ready for a decent amount of time. I propose that upon respawn players have strength and dexterity severely weakened, and all spells wiped, and perhaps being slowed (thought with the lessened strength they will likely become encumbered). of course there is plenty of room for variation on the actually status effects, this is just the basic idea.

It's a good idea, but it's good to have a respawn point at the temple as well. In case you die alone to a random spawn of 10 drow soldiers somewhere outside the city while exploring/doing a solo quest and hence respawning back at the location of your death would result in another quick death.

hence the option "or i could send you to a safe place to regain your strenght"

I kind of find it just as bad to have someone just come back to life randomly.


Bryce: Holy Begezeez! Its alive! Cory: Some unseen necromancer raised him into a zombie. Quick, kill it!! Mark: Wait! no! arrrgggghhh! *sent back to fugue*

A better way is just to inform people that when they get wacked, they are at the mercy of those who live in their party, or an offensive party that just did them in.

that is to say, no respawns, I prefer not haveing respawns but some it is common among low level chars, especialy on a generally low gold flow server like this one, and spawns can be RPed well if the player puts forth the effort to, this would just be a tool to help do so

I actually like that idea a lot. Totally removes the "Um....how'd you survive, become naked, and get all the way up here so fast?" syndrome.

Your party can let you know its safe to respawn, and you can return--and play that you were just very severely hurt and knocked out.

Yar, what he said. ^^ Makes RPing a respawn less awkward, it's a great idea.


And to avoid people respawning to their body when they are alone and in danger, how about you restore them to 1 hp only. This would make sense since they just woke up after a really bad beating. A monk that died alone could likely survive when he was at full health after respawning. But with only 1 hp after respawning near your corpse, you look like a mess, need help from your friends and it makes more sense - and it's a greater risk if you died alone with monsters about.

When you choose to respawn in a temple, you could get your full hp as normal and do the whole "priest found me and healed me in the temple" routine.

This is extremely easy to implement, scripting-wise. It'll even tie directly into our "auto-equip inventory" scripts so that you'll come back with your clothes on.

Are there any potential new issues that this could cause, in situations such as PvP combat?

It could create a "wow, I just killed you!" "No, I was just knocked out and looked dead." "But I cut off your head!" "I got better."

The easy way to deal with this of course is that you come back at one HP. If you use it in PvP--your foe just kills you again--forcing you to respawn again--to die again. Some bastards are just hard to kill.

The other solution, if you died due to PvP, you can't respawn in this way.

I like this idea.

When you are presented with the option to respawn in the Fugue, there can be two possibilities:

  • Respawn at my Corpse
  • Respawn at the Mausoleum
The first option will allow you to respawn, at one hitpoint, at the location of your corpse. You will automatically equip all of the gear remaining on your corpse. Since you return at one hitpoint, this option is really only safe to use when you're not in any immediate danger (from monsters or PvP).

The second option will allow you to respawn in the Mausoleum, at full health, as is done presently.

I like this idea too.

It's in!