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An explanation to a question we've all been pondering over.

How is it that the damned goblin fortress always gets filled up with more of those bloody pests?


And a close up:

Colonel Spitfire!!!!!


Sherry, you stole my line!


Colonel Spitfire is a master tactician - I'm amazed you got out of that event alive.

Did you get any screenies of the tactics he used against you Dopson?

-SpitfireFan21, aka, wcsherry

wcsherry Did you get any screenies of the tactics he used against you Dopson?

Well, actually, that first screenshot indirectly explains what happened. They just wanted the fortress, not us. And I believe the second screenshot has at least one tactic number they were about to use. :P

<3 Tactic #1091.

Still remember a run in we had with him when he captured a whole party. Signature line to us was "You don't even have a cleric?! Only an idiot travels without proper support."

A goblin talking tactics ok that is hilarious..I mean usually the only tactics a goblin is is overwhelming numbers...

Colonel Spitfire, take me as your pupil.....I'm not worthy....