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Uploading a Character Pic

Did a sketch of one of my EFU characters which my firends eem to like, but I was wondering what everyione here thought, but I can't seem to find any way to upload it onto a post, anyone have any surgestions?

Its true the lad be havin talent. He did drawings of all the major characters in our DnD campaign and thay all rock. If any know how to put them up let him know and take a look.

If you have it on your computer, try Imageshack.

Snoteye's guide to uploading things onto posts.

Think i've figure out how to work this, this is a test

Won't let me use a bigger imiage, shame, most of the detail is lost now

When you scan the image, I assume that's what you did, use a program like photoshop to adjust the image size. Usually something in the range of 600x800 is good for forums and the like

Or crop out the excess paper of the image with phtoshop, leaving only the figure.