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Letter to Potter - Location of Suitable Farming Land

Greetings Potter,

Yesterday a group of peopel from the House of Light went surveying around Dark Lake and found a good place for the planting of the Zhurk.

To the West of Dark Lake is the Lost Shop about. To get tto teh Lost shop you have to cross a stream that is fed by a small waterfall which puts up a cloud of water vapor - right next to this stream are abundant fungi growths already and there is plenty of room to plant and cultivate the Zhurkwood spores.

Please have a look at this site as soon as posisble and if it is suitable commence the planting of the Grove. Please provide me with regular reports.

Whilst we are waiting for these to grow if you can work with Gruff and Meriam to locate a wild source of Zhurk that can be harvested immediately it would be appreciated.


Chell Kantalith Acting Admnistrator - House of Light
