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*Poster in the Rock Bottom Inn*

Personal Assistant for hire!

A capable and studious young elf at your service, for the low price* *in addition to an equal share of profit from outsourced work of 5 gold per hour! I will prepare culinary masterpieces, identify and organize your collection of magical trinkets, repair your broken locks, disassemble any troublesome mechanisms that may be in your way, and do it all with a superior eye for detail and the hidden things in life. I specialize in manipulation of enchanted goods, scrolls and wands; clerical duties; organizational duties; and long-term employment as personal aide or gofer. Will take dictations, deliver and receive mail, handle private deliveries in a delicate manner, and ask no questions on request.

Write to S'esna Assistance Services, c.o. the Rock Bottom Inn, if you are in the market for a skillful assistant!