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To Spellguard (Regarding Lord Pyrne)


I have just read a letter by a citizen and envoy to a "great wizard Lord Pryne". Before I can make a judgement on his proposals, I'd like to know about this fool. I've never even heard of this great wizard!

Sincerely, -Councilor J. Geigne

Councilor Geigne,

After reviewing our registration records, I find no mention of a wizard, lord or no, by the name Pryne.

Arthalan approached me about this same matter, but I was forced to tell him what I would tell anyone offering peace: that if he and his employer simply respect our laws, peace is assumed. Arthalan also told me that his master has no intent to live inside Sanctuary's walls, but wished to announce his presence so that there would be no confusion.

While the idea of an immensely powerful wizard living near our city gives me pause to worry, we cannot be sure that he is as powerful as he wishes to seem, nor that he would pose any threat. I hope that if the council or yourself discover more about this wizard, that we will be privy to said information, as any potential magical threat should be analyzed by the Spellguard as quickly as possible.

For Safety and Sanctuary, Emissary Aaron Wrinkle