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C r e a t i n g a b a c k g r o u n d
© Jos Weijmer
Creating a background can be testy for many people. There are some easy tips 'n tricks though that can help a lot, and it doesn't veen take that much time or inspiration!
The thing is, go through your character's life in a chronological and logical order, and let your mind wander. Something like this:Step 1: Birth and family
Since you play a mere mortal, your character has to be born. This simple fact already raises several questions:
- Who is the mother, and did she survive birth?
- Who is dad, and is he still around?
- Is he an orphan?
Step 2: Family and friends
Now we have that settled... how does his family look like?
- Does he have brothers and sisters?
- Are there any favorite uncles or spouses, beloved adoptive parents or priests or teachers at the orphanage?
- How is his relationship with those around him while growing up? Any bullying or protective bigger brothers or little sisters?
- Did he have any (best) friends?
Step 3: Apprentice stage
In our world, most people will be taking apprentice jobs starting from age 8-12 untill about 18 years or older.
- Look at your characters starting class and decide where he picked up the base skills he has now.
- How was his relationship with his master/teacher, any special relationship with that mans/womans children/daughter/son?
- If your starting class is not a logical continuation of this period, why did he stop his training and start live as an adventurer or merchant or wanderer or... ?
Step 4: Wrapping up
Well, almost done here. Some final touches, all of which should be explained by his background untill now...
- What are three of the most noticeable events in your characters life untill now?
- What was the one thing that had the most impact on your characters life?
- What is his main, and what are his secondary goals?
- What drives your character? What motivates him?
By now you should have a pretty decent background for your character. Of course, this does not necessary describe how he acts in what way. For that, we go to the chapter 'bringing a character to life'...
B r i n g i n g a c h a r a c t e r t o l i f e
© Jos Weijmer
I use to say that it's a good thing that people have flaws and vices. After all, if we all hadn't our particular twitches, we'd all be the same, and that'd be a boring bit of business.
So, this will be about your character's strong points, but at least as much about his flaws, failures and other quirks that made him and make him to who he is now...Step 1: Success
Is your character succesful or a downthrodden loser? Did he get favored or beaten by life, and how did this affect him?
- What are the three greatest successes he achieved until now?
- What was the best deed he ever performed?
- How does he deal with success?
- How did these things affect him?
Step 2: Failure
Now, time for the other side of the coin of fate...
- What are the three greatest failures he suffered until now?
- What was the foulest deed he ever performed?
- How does he cope (if at all) with failure?
- How did these things affect him?
Step 3: Positive
Your character must have some good qualities. Time to decide what they are... Mind you, it'll always be in dispute if things like 'pigheaded' are positive or not. Point is, if that's positive for your character, denote it here. If not, at the next point...
- Describe five of your character's best qualities (for example: honest, loyal, trustworthy, generous).
- Of what things is your character most proud?
- What will really motivate your character?
- What will fire your character up and put him into action?
- What brings out the best in your character?
Step 4: Negative
Your character must have some bad qualities. Time to decide what they are...
- Describe five of your character's worst qualities (for example: cowardly, egocentric, vain, gluttonous).
- Of what things is your character most ashamed?
- What will really demotivate your character?
- What will really anger your character?
- What brings out the worst in your character?
Step 5: Physical
Time to denote specific or unusual physical features...
- Does your character have twitches or ticks or mannerisms? (Strokes hair/beard when nervous or thinking, twitches eye when lying,
- Is he deformed in any way? Did his hand get burned in an accident, does he have scars, does he limp, and if so, how did that happen?
Step 6: Mental
Time to denote specific mental quirks and way of speech...
- Does your character have a distinct accent or certain mannerisms when speaking, like saying 'Hm, hm, hmmm...' often, repeating himself in a sentence like 'I say, boy, I say...'?
- How does your character deal with things like stress and despair?
Step 7: Wrapping up
Well, almost done here. Some final touches, which will impact and complement your characters depth...
- Describe how far he'd go to protect those whom he calls friends.
- Describe what his moral boundaries are. What lines would he not wish to cross, and what would happen to him if he did?
- How does he dress? What food and drinks does he favor?
- What is the one thing, the one possession he is most fond of, and why is that so?
- Who is the person he is most fond of, and why is that so?
By now you should have a pretty decent feel for your character, having fleshed him out. Time to submit your background, if you so wish, and go in there and play...