Thought it might be interesting if the community as a whole thought up and contributed some ideas to loot that they'd like to see found on the server. Obviously, keep in mind the magic level of the setting, and think up some interesting back stories to them. Anyway, here's a few to get things started:-
Avoreen's ward Shortsword
This shortsword certainly seems like it has seen better days; the blade itself has become notched and warped slightly. None the less holy symbols of Avoreen, the halfling godess of protection, can still be seen along the length of the blade and upon the crossguard.
This blade once belonged to a guard captain of Lurien, whom defended the great halfling communities border from many incursions by various monstrous beasts. The innate magics and penchant for leading the wielders strike to crippling parts of their enemies bodies made him quite adept at his duties.
When a slaver party of goblins attacked some of the outlaying farms, this halfling was one of the first to answer the call of defence. His blade and wits proved to be not enough this time, however, and he was overwhelmed by their superior numbers. Broken, beaten, and half way through the underdark to their camp, this un-named halfling resigned himself to his fate. He did not spend the rest of his days serving the servants of Maglubiyet, however, as half way back to the goblins camp within the underdark they came upon a bored drow. Bored drow, it seems, are far more dangerous than their regular kin. He proceeded to flay the goblins and slaves with various powerful magics, until not one was left alive. It is assumed the valuables were found by scavangers.
Stats: Charges:25
Bonus Feat: Sneak attack(1d6) Damage Penalty: -2 slashing damage Cast Spell: Invisability(3) 1charge/use Cast Spell: Fox's Cunning(3) 1charge/use Cast Spell: Keen Edge(5) 2charges/use Cast Spell: Expedious Retreat(5) 1 charge/use Cast Spell: Invisability Sphere(5) 2 charges/use Ability Increase: Intelligence +1 Only Useable By: Fighter Only Useable By: Halfling Only Useable By: Paladin Only Useable By: Lawful
Ivisit's Madness Longsword
His whole family lost. Slaughtered before his own eyes. This sight drove Ivisit quickly down the path of madness. He swore an oath to himself that the drow whom took everything he held dear would not go unpunished.
Ivisit was part of a fledgling community of elves, the exact location is still not known. He was also a considerably powerful mage, as luck would have it. He spent many years creating two dozen of these blades to arm the communities warband of elves. He enchanted them especially to extract vengance from the drow that took his precious family. As soon as the warband were equiped with these blades, they found themselves far more receptive to Ivisit's suggestions of a proactive approach against the drow. For a while, it worked. The warband made many successful raids and incursions into the underdark. After two months of this, however, they came upon a much larger force of dark ones and, not realising how hopelessly outnumbered they were, charged to their deaths.
Stats: Ability Decrease: Wisdom -2 Ability Decrease: Intelligence -1 Damage Bonus vs. Elf: 1d4 Skill Decrease: Concentration -5 Skill Decrease: Discipline -5 Only Useable By: Elf