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Create Your Own Loot

Thought it might be interesting if the community as a whole thought up and contributed some ideas to loot that they'd like to see found on the server. Obviously, keep in mind the magic level of the setting, and think up some interesting back stories to them. Anyway, here's a few to get things started:-

Avoreen's ward Shortsword

This shortsword certainly seems like it has seen better days; the blade itself has become notched and warped slightly. None the less holy symbols of Avoreen, the halfling godess of protection, can still be seen along the length of the blade and upon the crossguard.

This blade once belonged to a guard captain of Lurien, whom defended the great halfling communities border from many incursions by various monstrous beasts. The innate magics and penchant for leading the wielders strike to crippling parts of their enemies bodies made him quite adept at his duties.

When a slaver party of goblins attacked some of the outlaying farms, this halfling was one of the first to answer the call of defence. His blade and wits proved to be not enough this time, however, and he was overwhelmed by their superior numbers. Broken, beaten, and half way through the underdark to their camp, this un-named halfling resigned himself to his fate. He did not spend the rest of his days serving the servants of Maglubiyet, however, as half way back to the goblins camp within the underdark they came upon a bored drow. Bored drow, it seems, are far more dangerous than their regular kin. He proceeded to flay the goblins and slaves with various powerful magics, until not one was left alive. It is assumed the valuables were found by scavangers.

Stats: Charges:25

Bonus Feat: Sneak attack(1d6) Damage Penalty: -2 slashing damage Cast Spell: Invisability(3) 1charge/use Cast Spell: Fox's Cunning(3) 1charge/use Cast Spell: Keen Edge(5) 2charges/use Cast Spell: Expedious Retreat(5) 1 charge/use Cast Spell: Invisability Sphere(5) 2 charges/use Ability Increase: Intelligence +1 Only Useable By: Fighter Only Useable By: Halfling Only Useable By: Paladin Only Useable By: Lawful

Ivisit's Madness Longsword

His whole family lost. Slaughtered before his own eyes. This sight drove Ivisit quickly down the path of madness. He swore an oath to himself that the drow whom took everything he held dear would not go unpunished.

Ivisit was part of a fledgling community of elves, the exact location is still not known. He was also a considerably powerful mage, as luck would have it. He spent many years creating two dozen of these blades to arm the communities warband of elves. He enchanted them especially to extract vengance from the drow that took his precious family. As soon as the warband were equiped with these blades, they found themselves far more receptive to Ivisit's suggestions of a proactive approach against the drow. For a while, it worked. The warband made many successful raids and incursions into the underdark. After two months of this, however, they came upon a much larger force of dark ones and, not realising how hopelessly outnumbered they were, charged to their deaths.

Stats: Ability Decrease: Wisdom -2 Ability Decrease: Intelligence -1 Damage Bonus vs. Elf: 1d4 Skill Decrease: Concentration -5 Skill Decrease: Discipline -5 Only Useable By: Elf

Bonus feat/Ability bonus items will be very rare.

Please bear in mind our magic level when creating loot if you wish to see it IG. If it's only slightly overpowered, we will modify it, but if the whole item's description/purpose/history hinges on it being +10, it is highly unlikely your item will see the light of day (No pun intended).

All I want is a magic navel ring :wink:

just wondering if it would be possible to actualy have some armour named Stoutheart Plate because at the moment all the dwarves are walking around in "grey shite" or surplus full plate, not high priority i know but if it would be possible me and the rest of the clan would be very appreaciative of it.

The purpose of this thread is to give DMs an idea for items you would like to appear in game. Please do not post here unless you are doing so.

Perhaps in there creative down time, our DM staff could create, or help create quests for such race/faction restricted gear.(a small stat, like resist poison, or just specific design, etc..specific to that faction) The leader of a faction could inititiate the quest ala Stout A, you must find and slay beast M, recover its blah, take it to Stout PC B and have item blah enchanted, blessed, etc, and bring it to me with your full plate(or plate can be part of reward) faction leader combines the items, and tada....plate armour of X is created. Makes gettin faction armor seem more important then just saving up for it. Just a thought anyhow. Seeing how we have such an ample amount of time to think at the moment... that is my two cents worth..heh


aka Manus G.R.

Tyranny's Touch Gloves

Bands of blackened iron cover the knuckles of this pair dark leather gloves and they exude a subtle green glow.


+1 Attack Bonus +1d4 Acid Damage

Only Useable By: Allignment: Lawful Evil Class: Monk

Thieve's Crutch Quaterstaff

A very interesting and, at first glance, unassuming quater-staff. The true power of this little trinket is known to very few. Inscribed onto the shaft are the words "Bene Betty".

This particular quaterstaff was used by an aged rogue whom operated in sanctuary. Unassuming to many, and his quaterstaff thought more than a walking stick, how wrong people were. Late at night, as he shambled along the streets, he would use this quater staff to ply his trade, burglary. Hitting an obscure bump upon the shaft of the quaterstaff releases several odd contraptions on the lower end of the staff itself. These, in skilled hands, can greatly assist in a burglers lock picking skills. It's also enchanted with simple magics to aid any burglers enteprising venture. Indeed, this old man amassed himself a small fortune before eventually being caught plying his trade one night by the Vhaerunite thieves guild. After several hours of torture, he was slain, and this staff has been circulating in the Sanctuary population for a time. Not many can discern it's true purpose, however.

Stats: Charges 20

Skill Bonus: Pick lock +3 Cast Spell: Invisability(3) 1 charge/use Cast Spell: Knock 1 charge/use

Svirfnelbin Light Harpoon

This thin and long bolt has a barbed shaft, and a pronged head. Running a hand down its length reveals that it is also covered with a scale-like material, that, when going in would offer little resistance, but be nigh impossible to extricate from the target as the barbs, prongs and scales grapple the flesh or bone of the victim.

A thin cord, woven in black, glistening material sprouts from the back of the bolt, and is carefully woven into a metal cylinder, appropriately shaped so that it can be attached to a knob or crank of a common crossbow.

Upon finding its mark, the quarrel will grapple the flesh or bone firmly, and the cylinder will lock in place, thus resulting in temporary immobilization of the target, until the cord can be severed, or the bolt removed.

Special Properties:

OnHit: 75% chance, Movement Speed Decrease, 90% - 2 Rounds

PS: I don't know if implementing this is even possible through scripting, but based on the fact that the shackles seem to work in a similar fashion, I'd imagine it's possible.

Barbed Whip

These nasty tools of punishment are universally feared by all those on their recieveing end due to the large amount of sharp metal bits braided into the lash. Many a slave has been unable to bend their backs after a session with a barbed whip.

Special Properties:

Bonus Damage: Slashing 1d4

Locking Gauntlets

The human warrior Gredrok Broggin, tired of having his family's ancient short-sword knocked out of his hands in combat, invented these specialized gauntlets. The ridged design, coupled with a locking mechanism, prevents any weapon wielded from being disarmed. However, the gloves are not so good for fine manipulation.

Special Properties:

Immunity: Disarm Skill Penalty: Parry -6 Skill Penalty: Open Lock -6 Skill Penalty: Disable Trap -6

I personally would like to more of racially tied items, such as that can be found in the areas surrounding Sanctuary and which may have a tribal or cultural benefit for those using them. Such as:

Orog Skin Cape

A drow ranger of some renown, skill, and ferocity was fond of making the skins of the Orog he hunted for sport into various hunting capes. He found that the grey skin was easily dyed to match the surrounding stone, as well as providing a rather gruesome accoutrement.

Intimidate +3 Hide +3

Goblin Trooper Short Sword

As elite a warrior as a goblin can become, the Goblin troopers carry into battle equally elite blades among those of their kin. The blade is not necessarily well forged, but is wickedly designed to open a gaping wound with a twist of the arm once a blow is struck.

Damage bonus +1 Massive Criticals +1d4

Orog Hunting Spear

The best of the Orog warriors of the tribe close to Sanctuary favors large bladed spears dressed with tokens from the warriors they have slain in battle as a sign of their prowess. Small teeth, humanoid and animal, each attached by the braided hair of the fallen, adorn the shaft. Though with ceremonial value these spears are battle hardened weapons which have seen the blood of many foes, and which likely will see the blood of many more. And most who see this spear, know it. It has over two dozen such tokens.

Intimidate +6 Damage Bonus +1 Massive Crits +1d4

Drow Short Knife

Combat among the Drow is commonplace and most Drow, even the wizards, carry weapons to both defend themselves and to show that they are armed. This short knife is one such weapon, routinely carried by most in their city. The blade is extremely keen, but forged thinner than any other blade you have seen. It looks to have been made to slip through the joints or chinks inherent in almost any armor, though likely the blade will chip, dull, and bend easily due to it’s design.

Item type: dagger Charge:1 Cast Keen Edge (5), uses the one charge.

For me atleast, I sort of see Sanctuary as still scavenging somewhat for these things, after 150 years of strife, rebellion, war, and somesuch. Plus, wouldn't mind seeing more commoners/NPCs saying things like "Hells, I remember the last time the Drow attacked. We were all lucky to have survived due to a rebellion within their own walls." and "Sure am glad the rothe herds have been good these last few years, the famines 20 years back almost did us in." and such.

Hin Bane Rapier

From the day Glascot Hemmeril was born, he seemed to hate his halfling heritage. Jaded by insults and disrespect (more for his attrocious and unhygenic appearance, than his race) from all other races in his travels as a sailor, his hatred for his kind grew to almost epic magnitude. He even went so far as to shave all the hair from his body every day and to wear boots that had wooden blocks in bottoms so he was taller.

Near the end of his life, completely mad, he eventually settled back in his hometown of Calimsham and stalked other halflings, killing them as a way to rid the world of what he thought as an useless race.

His final act was the creation of this sword, forged from his own blood mixed with a magical steel he found during his travels followed by thrusting it through his own chest.

Special Properties: +1 Attack Bonus vs. Halflings +1 Damage Bonus vs. Halflings +1 Deflection Bonus vs. Halflings

Only Useable By: Neutral Only Useable By: Evil Only Useable By: Halfling

Deep Lizard Tusk Short Sword

This massive fang, ripped from the mouth of a dead Giant Deep Lizard, required little crafting to make it into a formidable weapon. With the handle carved directly from the tusk itself, it's as sturdy as it is vicious as it is crude looking, with it's jagged edges and razor sharp tip.

Special Properties: Damage Bonus: 2 slashing Only Useable By: Ranger Only Useable By: Druid

Spider Carapace Meduim Armor

Made from the hardened carcass of a giant spider, the various sections have been seamlessly integrated to form this unique form of protection. Thought to be made by a devout follower of Lloth, this armor is extremely durable and surpisingly light for it's size.

Special Properties:

Weight Reduction: 80% of weight Armor Class Bonus: +1 vs. Vermin (Armor Bonus)

I for one support this thread. I know its been done on other servers and has been beneficial. I will consider all ideas and anything good will definitely go in my inventory for a one day drop. However, I dont know how to do On hit 25% chance movement rate decrease 90% or something like that just yet. Ill probably have to scour the net for scripts on that kind of thing (this is your cue to pm me links that accomplish this)

Arkov is supposed to be a good scripter among the DM's. You should ask him.

Herobane Mace

Elmer the Dark bore great hatred towards all good and righteous, stalking paladins and all do-gooders throughout the land. During the years his mace was infused with this hatred to drain the life-force of those pure of heart, and to blacken the sun of those that would spread the light. Such a dark weapon it was that its wielder became more vulnerable to the powers of light, eventually resulting in Elmer's downfall.

Only those determined to destroy all that is good and righteous could hope to wield this weapon, as any other would be rejected by the weapon itself.

Darkness: 1 charge/use (5 charges) Damage Bonus vs. Good: 1d4 Negative Energy Damage Vulnerability: 50% Positive Energy

Only Useable By: Chaotic Evil

Lost Hope Morning Star

This fearsome-looking morning star really makes you feel safe, but it seems to have a reverse effect in those around you.

OnHit: Fear (DC: 16, 50% chance, 2 rounds) Saving Throw vs. Fear: +1 Skill Bonus: Intimidate, +3

Heres an idea, it sucks, but it'll be funny

The sword of Rissi

This be first sword Rissi makes, yep yep yep, Rissi not know how make swords though, but Rissi makes this one himself!......from bigger sword

Usable only by: Halfling Usable only by: Rogue Damage Penalty: -1

Lost Hope would be a bit powerful with that high dc and prosent.

If it would get certain minus effects, then it could be really interesting one

Devil's Hatchet Kukri

Purportedly owned by a scoundrel of some fame in a few Urban environments of the Underdark, this kukri is hewn out of the durable, hard blackstone that is found everywhere in the Underdark. Though actually only a copy of the original hatchet, this piece has a brutal bite, product of the small dents carved into the blade from use. It is also lightly enchanted to aid with assassination or escape.

Special Properties:

Bonus: 2 Slashing Damage Darkness: Single Use

Stoneheart Miscellaneous Medium, Graphic can be anything that looks stonish.

The rare, powerful larger specimen of Earth Elementals have a molten core of rock that is the center of their activity and of the mystical energy that imbues masses of rock with life and primal intelligence. Said to be blessed by Grumbar himself, this shard of one such core, dubbed a Stoneheart, has cooled off since its extraction, but it is still richly decorated in seemingly random patterns - a phenomenon akin to the formation of snowflakes from ice, these patterns are the manifestation of the uniqueness inherent to each and every rock - no two are the same. A Stoneheart inherits its power from the latent magics once present in its host, but some say that the patterns that are woven into the rock when it cools are words of power, written in Grumbar's own handscript. Obviously, no mortal mind can possibly hope the decipher them.

Special Properties:

Charges: 2 Stoneskin: 2 Charges/Use Summon Earth Elemental: 1 Charge/Use

Acidic Gland Normal gland graph.

This small, greenish, translucent gland has an acrid stench that burns the nostrils. When squeezed, it will spew a finite but powerful bolt of acid. It is normally empty after being used only once, without a parent organism to replenish it, and thus, useless.

Special Properties:

Melf's Acid Arrow (3): Single Use

Troll's Eyeball Eyeball graph, preferably the natural-colored one.

The regenerating properties of trolls are the stuff of legend. This eyeball, having been removed from a recently-deceased troll, will keep for a long time if stored within most liquids. As with most parts of a troll's physionomy, it has exceedingly notable regenerative properties, though it appears that squeezing its juices over someone's wounded or otherwise incapacitated eyes is the best way of putting this item to use.

Special Properties:

Remove Blindness/Deafness (5): Single Use

I'll do some post necromancy to bring back my suggestion from the "useless ambient loot" thread way back.

Fitzdidget’s Goggles

After spending several months on solving what he thought surely was the ultimate problem with a venture to the Underdark, gnomish tinkerer Fitzdidget struck gold. He had long pondered the dangers of Beholders and their frightful gazes, when one day he flung out with his arms in frustration, and promptly knocked his finest goggles into a bucket of black paint. At first he tore his hair in frustration of ruining his most valued possession, but after a while he realized the potential of not being able to see when faced with a gaze that, in fact, affected the eyes first and foremost. Happily, now that this the most troubling of questions had been answered, he packed his bags and kissed his loved ones goodbye, for being known as a fearless explorer of places where the sun does not shine had always been his goal with life. And sure enough, in a cavern many miles below the surface, a Beholder floated into the dim circle of light cast by his grandfather’s magical ring. Faster than he thought possible, he placed the goggles before his eyes, and then wandered unworried past the monstrosity, which he now neither saw nor, as he was sure, was threatened by. Unfortunately, due to his temporarily blindness, neither did he see the vast chasm that split the cavern only a few steps ahead of him. The last thought that crossed his mind as he plunged through the darkness was that surely, he should have used mirror glass instead.

Base Item: Helmet On equip: Blindness Spell Immunity: Gaze attacks

The goggles! They do nothing!

Amulet of Vergadain:

The Amulet is one highly valued to Cleric’s of the Dwarven God Vergadain as it holds enhancements to the regular gold coin at the end of the necklace.

Skill Bonus: +1 Persuade Skill Bonus: +1 Concentrate Skill Bonus: +1 Bluff Skill Bonus: +1 Appraise Only Useable By: Good Only Useable By: Neutral Only Useable By: Chaotic Only Useable By: Dwarf

Necklace look: Regular gold chain

Robe of Vergadain:

The robe is highly valued to Cleric’s of the Dwarven God Vergadain as it holds enhancements that help in negotiations in merchant dealings.

Skill Bonus: +1 Persuade Skill Bonus: +1 Concentrate Skill Bonus: +1 Bluff Skill Bonus: +1 Appraise Only Useable By: Good Only Useable By: Neutral Only Useable By: Chaotic Only Useable By: Dwarf

Robe look: Cleric Robe Dyed Gold

Heres a chance for all those clerics out there with limitations that the gods have to make items that reflect on thier religion.

9lives Tyranny's Touch Gloves

Bands of blackened iron cover the knuckles of this pair dark leather gloves and they exude a subtle green glow.


+1 Attack Bonus +1d4 Acid Damage

Only Useable By: Allignment: Lawful Evil Class: Monk

I'd add a green glow to these.

A pox upon you, Oro.


Elsirius' Bane (a version of a weapon carried by one of my pnp characters)

This delicate longsword is carved from a single leg bone that forms the pommel, the bone has been ground down to the width and thiness of a steel blade and is enchanted to retain a cut that is just as deadly and sharp. Small green stones are embedded throughout the bone and a poor quality metal hilt appears to have been added almost as an after thought.

The blade was created by an elven ranger that traveled to the Underdark to slay an elven vampire. The source of the leg bone is widely conjectured, one tale maintians the bone was provided by the ranger's own wife after the vampire slaughtered her and a second tale maintains the ranger himself slew his wife after she became a spawn of her progenitor.

The blade's qualities are powerful, but it carries with it a curse that ultimately led to Elsirius' failure to destroy the vampire he hunted. His ultimate fate varies in the tales, but all versions of the story agree he ultimately became that which he hunted.

+1 enhancement versus undead -1 armor class bonus versus undead +1 negative energy damage

((Original stats for the curious.

+1 enchanted blade +3 versus undead -4 versus mind saves versus undead))

A more potent version if the blade was used as an artifact type of item.

+1 Enhancement Bonus +2 Enhancement Versus Undead -1 Armor Class Versus Undead

Anthee Bottled Blood

Bottled blood.

Blood Frenzy (7) Single Use Use Limitation: Evil

Anthee Scale of Shadows

A single, translucent scale of a Shadow Dragon. Having it on your palm gives you an odd feeling, as if you were holding a tangible shadow.

Camouflage (5) Single Use

Anthee Resonance Stone of Submission
Unidentified Description Merely being close to this amulet causes an overwhelming sensation of resignation to wash over you, leaving your mind weak and subjugated.
Identified Description Merely being close to this amulet causes an overwhelming sensation of resignation to wash over you, leaving your mind weak and subjugated.

The stone hanging from the chain is a powerful source of psionic energies, called a 'resonance stone' by travelers of the Underdark. Each stone is associated with a certain emotion. They are rumored to be connected to mind flayers in some way.

Decreased Saving Throws: Will -5

Anthee Brainmate
Unidentified Description A curious looking, translucent globe on a length of chain. The fluid inside the globe swirls slowly, every now and then revealing a glimpse of something organic.
Identified Description This crystal globe is what the illithids refer to as a 'brainmate'. The globe itself is only a mucus-filled container for what is apparently a tiny bud taken from the elder brain of an illithid community. Those with psionic talents claim that the bud is nominally sentient, and that accessing it via a telepathic link grants the user a tiny portion of the elder brain's knowledge.

Some have even claimed to be able to browse the memories of the illithid who wore the brainmate by using the correct psionic power. Since many who have supposedly done this have gone insane soon afterwards, these rumors are vague at best.

Skill Bonus: Lore +10 Use Limitation: Aberration Use Limitation: Lawful Evil

Anthee Darkstone Ring

This finely crafted silver ring holds a small stone so black that it almost appears to be gaseous, blending with the surrounding darkness. It seems to subtly cloak its user in shadows when worn.

Rumor has it that a Shadow Thief of Amn who owned a darkstone ring once forgot to remove it after having returned to the guildhall from a successful burglary. As the conspicuously shadow-cloaked thief strolled through the dimly-lit hall to report to his superiors, he was confronted with suspicions about withholding too large a portion of the spoils for himself. His last known words were "I have nothing to hide."

Skill Bonus: Hide +5 Skill Penalty: Bluff -2

Little Pebble [Dart] Graph, a sling bullet

these cannonball sized rocks are used by the half orc community as both a testiment of strength and a weopon. though they are simple and completly void of any magical properties their shear size and weight makes them dangerous although the size and weight also make them in-accurate.

1d10 damage: bludgening -25% accuracy useable only by: Half Orc Strength required: 18 weight: 1lb

Reaper Scythe [Scythe]

a replica of the scythe used by the fabled Grim Reaper was forged by a human woman that made them for costume parties however during the process in which she was tempering the scythes she had inadvertantly, while singing a chant that went along with the fable of Grim Reaper misspronunciated one of the lines accidentally allowing through the flames of the forge a daemon to step through. completly unawares of her plot the daemon possessed her body and used it to enchant all of the scythes to make them irronically perform like that of the fabled grim.

Life drain: 1hp per 5 turns equiped (cant rember what its called but you get the idea) Massive criticals: 1d6 vs. living +1 intimidate -1 persuasion -1 appraise

and the last one i put forward tonight i came up with years ago when i used to play BG2

Plunger of Hellfire [Mace]

a gnomish prankster came accross an idea to get a few laughs and to make a few coins in the process. this gnome decided that it would be amusing to make a potion that was oderless coulourless and tasteless and could easly be blended with wine. the idea behind the potion was to make the unwitting drinker come down with a severe case of dihorea. this is when he started to make money from it as he crafted hundreds of these special plungers that the victum to the prank would press against their nether reagons and it would help sooth the burning sensation from the Dihorea and would also apply the cure to the runs. the little gnome made quite alot of money off his prank untill one day when one of his fellow gnomish pranksters who had discovered how his little scam worked very early on had modified some of his little plungers so rather than sooth the pain it made it burn 10 times worse and made the runs alot worse than what they were. the origional maker was then fed some of his potion by the revenge seaking prankster and then given one of the modified plungers. hours later after not hearing anything from the origional creater the owner of the modified plunger walked in to see what had happened. all that was left of the origional designer was a pile of ashes in the middle of a pool of fecies.

damage: 1d10 firedamage deisesed: on equip Perform +5

now to show that there are only a few that have been modified

damage: 1d4 heal +2 cure light wounds 1 charge fire damage reduction: 25%

at the very least i thought it was a laugh lol

Stoutheart Full Plate

This type of plate is crafted by the legendary Dwarves of the underdark, they are hard to come by as so few of this clans members are ever captured or killed.

(full plate)

+1 AC 20m light (white)

((i wish :lol: ))

Heartsguard Pendant Necklace

Though not entirely uniform in their appearance, all of these amulets feature a a charm in the shape of a small shield with an smaller even smaller heart embossed upon the front. When worn they work well to hide the wearer's true nature from acts of divination.

Aparently forged from a fine silver, this particularly delicate piece seems to be made to be worn around the ears and temples, pendant hanging outward against the forehead.

Useable only by: Good. Useable only by: Evil.

(RP/Script benefits: Makes the wearer immune to detect good/evil spells)

Boxing Gloves

No Combat Damage +3 Discipline +3 Concentration -6 Typing (<_<) (>_>)

Strongbad's Boxing Gloves

+6 Typing

heres a good one

light armour that is Heavily padded around the crotch

useful armour that makes war that little bit more bareable

immunity: critical hits

Unnecessarily Complicated Plate

The life's work of a completely insane wizard with an inclination towards sophism.

+1 AC -1 AC vs. Human -1 AC vs. Elf -1 AC vs. Dwarf -1 AC vs. Gnome -1 AC vs. Half Orc -1 AC vs. Half Elf -1 AC vs. Halfling -1 AC vs. Undead -1 AC vs. Dragon -1 AC vs. Construct -1 AC vs. Goblinoid -1 AC vs. Ooze -1 AC vs. Outsider -1 AC vs. Monstrous Humanoid -1 AC vs. Abberation Damage Reduction 10/+3 Damage Vulnerability: Slashing (75%) Damage Vulnerability: Piercing (75%) Damage Vulnerability: Bludgeoning (75%) Cast Spell: Endurance (10) One use per day Ability Score Decrease: -4 Constitution Spell Immunity: Undeath to Death Spell Immunity: Crumble Cast Spell: Holy Sword (3) Only useable by: Barbarian Only useable by: Bard Only useable by: Cleric Only useable by: Druid Only useable by: Fighter Only useable by: Monk Only useable by: Ranger Only useable by: Rogue Only useable by: Sorcerer Only useable by: Wizard Only useable by: Neutral Only useable by: Chaotic Only useable by: Evil

Rope of protecting.

This looks like an ordinary piece of rope except for two runes engraved onto a metal plate at each end. The loop of rope is around 3 metres long and quite thin. It can, however, be used to protect the holder and those around him.

Once activated, the rope turns into an ethereal glow which surrounds the bearer. It spins in a circle a high speed but can be passed through without harm. The space between the bearer and the rope is filled with some form of magical energy which will ward off foes, making their blades slow and spells weak. When the spell ends, the rope turns into dust as it's magic is used up and dissipates into the air.

Magic Circle against Allignment (5): One Use.

Magical Silver Cutlery

This knife, fork and spoon has a small rune engraved into the handle, which would generally denote owner. In this case, the rune is magical and if thrown, each item turns into a dangerous but accurate projectile. The knife and fork are sharp constantly, but the spoon will do the most damage.

In addition, one can also consume food with these special implements.

Misc Thin: Cutlery 3 charges Ice Dagger (2) : 1 charge /use

Oversized Gold Arrow

This arrow is about a foot long, and too large to be used in any conventional bow. A careful user can throw the arrow a short distance and see it turn a green dripping projectile, which explodes dangerously when it contacts the target.

Misc Thin: Big Gold Arrow Melfs Acid Arrow: 1 use

Is it necissary to make a new post for each item?

Also, about the goggles that make you blind: immunity to gaze attacks is already part of being blind, so having it on the helmet is kinda redundant.

Viashino_wizard Is it necissary to make a new post for each item?

Also, about the goggles that make you blind: immunity to gaze attacks is already part of being blind, so having it on the helmet is kinda redundant.

Righto, just blindness, then!

If I had written them all in one go, no. Other than that. yes.

Ripper Longbow

Grushnak Headsplitter was an orog and part of a very large and brutal tribe that operated in the expansive underdark. He was famed for his ability to, with devistating precision, eliminate the generals or leaders of the troops which the tribe frequently skirmished with. From the back of the ranks he let arrows fly that could split the heads of their leaders in most gruesome efficiancy. Like most denziens of the underdark, he did eventually meet his end in battle. Yet this bow, enchanted by Orog shamans, remains a testament to his legacy of arch-craft. With the jaw bones of the generals he has killed grafted expertly onto the shaft of the bow, it commands respect when wielded by orcish kin

Stats: Only Useable by: Half Orc Massive Criticals: 1d10 damage Attack Bonus vs. Dwarf: +1 Attack Bonus vs. Elf: +1 Attack Bonus vs. Human: +1 Skill Bonus: Intimidate +3

Fickle Blade Shortsword

The master swordmaker Joh Lam of of Shou Lung was long ago betrayed by his apprentice, who cast him from a tall cliff into the rocky ocean. The apprentice, mad with jealousy, crafted this curved, wicked blade from steel stolen from his old master. Or something to that affect. The dark energies of his cruel envy warped the blade as it was tempered, until finally the finished blade leaped from the apprentice's hand and slashed clean through his neck.

Ever since that fateful day, this sword leaps about randomly in its bearers hand when it's swung. Though difficult to master, a blow from this blade withers flesh and bone wherever it touches.

Armor Class Penalty: -1 Attack Penalty: -1 Damage Bonus: +1 Negative Energy Damage Damage Bonus: +1 Slashing Damage Massive Criticals: +1d4 Damage Skill Penalty: -3 Parry Skill Penalty: -3 Discipline

Torturing Whip:

Enchanted whip used in extreme 'delicate' torturing sessions in order to obtain ‘confessions’.


On hit: Drain will Attack Penalty: -2 Damage Penalty: -2 Dominate Person 2/use Intimidate +3 Only used by: Evil Only used by: Not Lawful

Duelist's Chance Dagger

A quick, enchanted dagger which enhances the abilities of a master of parrying. Meant for use in the offhand, and featuring enchantments to make even the sloppiest of warriors proficient in dual-wielding.

No Combat Damage Skill Bonus: +3 Parry Bonus feat: Two-weapon Fighting Bonus feat: Ambidexterity Skill Penalty: -3 Concentration

Gnome’s Mojo:

Bolts made by a crazy, desperate, horny, old and single gnome mage.

No damage Attack Penalty: -1 On hit: Charm Person (DC: 12)

Camel Straw Sling

Once owned by the Tymoran Cleric Heather Bluefoot, who had a particular hate-on for giant races of all kinds, this sling was crafted as a last resort for times when a single bullet could do the trick. It's naturally enchanted, and doesn't even need a spare bullet to use, but unfortunately it's difficult to aim when you don't have a bullet in the sling. Still, with the right direction and mental focus (and a lot of luck), this enchanted sling might just be the straw that breaks the camel's back.

Decreased Attack Modifier [-5] Unlimited Ammunition: Bullet [Ammo: +3 Enchantment to Damage]

(This is a sword in one of my PnP campaigns) It is loosely based on it.. mechanics can't define other things..

Sword of Telefin

Unidentified Description: A shiny shortsword with a slight red hue. It is adorned from tip to handle with what appear to be runes.

Identified Description: This beautiful weapon was owned by a famed dragon hunter, Telefin. His remains and sword were found by a group of adventurers seeking shelter from a terrible blizzard in the [insert name] mountains. Upon exploring a deep section of the cave sword and owner were found in one of many very old dung heaps.

Enhancement Bonus: +1 vs. Reptilians Enhancement Bonus: +4 vs Dragons

Halfling sneaking garb:

A piece of small clothing that seems to blend in with the surroundings and gives enemies a harder time hitting you

5 charges

+1 AC (armour) ghostly visage 1 charge use) camoflarge(1 charge use)

only useable by: Halfling only useable by: Gnome

Uber lute

The focus of legends. The rarest of all treasures. This loot was once owned by the critically aclaimed bard Paris Von Uber. Upon closer examination it doesn't appear to have any use. You wonder why it was saught after so. It is extremly heavy and appears to magically attach itself to the bottem of your pack.

Base Item: Lute

Base weight 500lbs

Undroppable even on death.

Dwarven Skull Kisser

the Dwarven Skull kisser is a helmet with a large polished plate at the front used for headbutting your opponant in combat.

+1d4 bludgoning damage