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Thought Emoting?

It seems like a recent trend, as least to me, where players are emoting their character's thoughts.

Usually when done, and I know a player who does it often, its very very funny. Kind of blends some OOC humour into IC events.

On the other hand, there has been two incidents where different players have emoted what I *hope* is his character's thoughts, and its just been stupid and annoying, or both. Both incidents followed this basic trend:

Character A: *thinks about how utterly ridiculous Character B and his follower are*

Is it just me, or is that entirely pointless and irritating? Some player and DM takes on emoting thoughts please!


Although there may be exceptions, I can't think of a situation ever where I've seen it where I liked it. Best avoided.

This is all IMO, but occasionally *thoughts* are useful in telling what someone's mood is like. Considering we can't see actual faces or read body languade, it seems somewhat reasonable.

On the other hand, there are other and better venues of expressing thoughts.

Lets say Alberta is watching a particularly gruesome stoning. She really enjoys the sick pleasure of it. In this case she...

[squirms as each sphere lashes against the criminal, holding a firm smile]

With thoughts, you would actually be more limited. Compare the two...

[feels pleasure from the pain of the victim]

The first one is preferable, at least by me, and also leaves some ambiguity. Does Alberta like pain, or is she trying to hold back tears of sorrow behind that smile? Does she hate this wretch, or was she his significant other?

So, on very rare occasions it may be best to *think*, but for the most part *doing* will be much better. 8)

Edit: Beat to it by Howl himself. There's your solid answer.

Usually when someone does an extreme sort of thought emote I'm always tempted to emote *Can't read minds*.

*thinks to self* God the person in front of me with the axe is sucha twat I wish i could tell him wahta retard I really think he is */thoughts*

I'm with howland, never seen this being done in an apporpriete way. We're not mind readers, nor can I tell in real life what somebodies thinking by the look on their face and any that I really can tell would be *gasps* easy enough to emote :twisted:

If you do this when I'm watching, expect to suffer.

For some reason that amused me more than it should, Metro.... :lol:

One time I watched a certain halfling emote *thinks Ivandur's being a jerk* or something like it, to which Inq responded with Ivandur's emote of *doesn't give a fuck*. :lol:

Thought emoting isn't necessary, but if anyone does it for a joke, I'm not going to hate them and want to eat their soul or anything.

Metro_Pack If you do this when I'm watching, expect to suffer.

Showing is better than telling!

Descriptive lines over stream of consciousness!

Free Mozambique.

- K.

My rule is, if the other characters cant hear, see, or otherwise perceive the emote, its not really happening. Its OOC knowledge to emote *thinks such and such is a jerkwad*

however sometimes it can be useful for maybe a dm to observe. however if you want to in character think someones a jerkwad use the whisper part to whisper to yourself what a jerkwad so and so is. that way its IC.

i agre with you there chi. a similar sorta thing with shouting. in life when you shout other people WILL notice and generally either pretend it dident happen or will look at you weither or not they continue with what their doing or pause is different though when shouting ingame especially when its a packed commonroom say forinstance the rock bottom at a busy time i use capitol letters to convey the message rather than [Shouts] bla bla bla bla... as when your shouting weither or not you intend for some one else to notice or not they do. and [Shouts] bla bla bla bla.... quite oftern gets lost in the text where as BLA BLA BLA BLA.... stands out quite alot more and will generally get the attention that it would in reality. and getting noticed while shouting can be quite a good catalyst for a good rp story as it not only involves the people in the conversation but it can spark others to join in. just my thoughts [smiles]

Furrowed eyebrows!


Thin smiles!

All better than telling us what you're thinking, if a mite cliché. Describing your characters body language is tough, but done right, is far superior to thoughtemoting.

To beat a horse...

It just seems that most of these thoughts can be better presented by physical descriptions. And if not, don't say anything.

*appears to be thinking about what it would be like to have others know what he is thinking*