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Monstrous Deities

I vote for adding Psilofyr to the list of monstrous deities. The fact that his followers are mostly myconoids doesn't mean they all have to be, and a setting like EfU really screams for a fungi lord.

And make Zuggtmoy a deity, too, as she rightfully deserves!

I'd like to vote hidden option number three, which is: "If it's added, how will it make things better?"

We should definitely add Psilofyr. I've been meaning to have that happen for a while, I fully support Fungus worshippers.

We'll have a fungus domain fairly soon too.

Psilofyr is already recognized by our deity system. :)

We should add him to the list on the forums, though!

Heh, I suppose that makes the poll rather redundant. At least this was worth something. :)

Anyone spot the poll reference?