Despite the fact that all of these spells are part of the Enchantment spell school, and that I am playing an enchanter, I still believe that these spells need their duration changed. They are current 1 round/level, whilst in PnP, they're set to last permanently (in the case of blindness/deafness) or 1 day/level (in the case of the dominate spells) I think a duration extension on these spells to last 1 turn/level would help make these spells slightly more useful than they are at present.
Changes to Blindness/Deafness and Dominate Person/Monster
If you're going to propose a specific spell change, it is recommended that you look at our post on game mechanics and do a quick search to make sure it isn't already in.
Blindness/deafness and dominate both already have durations of turn/level, as our post indicates.
(As a heads up, we're discussing divination or necromancy spell focus increasing the DC for blindness/deafness, although I don't actually think we will.)