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Spell Changes

There are a few spell changes that I did not see listed on the information for new players that likely should be made for balance reasons. The one I can think of off the top of my head is mage armor.

Change Mage Armor to add four armor AC that does not stack with regular armor such as platemail. The way it works now is that it effectivly gives a character an extra four AC and eliminates the need for any +1 items except for a sheild.

Already done, we just need to get around to importing it. Mention it if you notice the spell still being unmodified.

I'll hijack this thread to make a suggestion on spell change.

I read somewhere that the duration of the spell darkness and the spell silence are different by the books. I think increasing their duration wouldn't harm anyone.

If darkness spell is exploit-free (ie. just have the concealment/miss change while in it, and no blindness/invisibility thing that made the AI not attack), it would actually be effective for people who take the blind fighting feat. 10 minute/level doesn't seem to be unreasonable to me, if it's just 20% miss change.

As for silence spell, I'd like to see some npc shamans using it more often in spell casters, and 1 turn/level seems fine- 1 round / level is too short.